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Disease pattern in India
H. S. Bawaskar & P. H. Bawaskar
Snake Snake
Of 67 patients with snake bite, 25% showed no evidence of envenoming, 38% had local swelling only, but 47% had systemic envenoming manifested by spontaneous systemic bleeding (17%), severe neurotoxic enevenoming (28%) and cardiotoxic (2%). Out of these six victims (8.6%) died. Bite marks with local swelling, bleeding in skin, blebs are characteristics of viper bite. No local signs except pinched petechiae situated deep into skin observed in Krait (neurotoxic) bite. Neuroparalytic victims treated with antisnake venom (asv) and ant cholinesterase. While viper bitten victims recovered by asv and antibiotic.

Snake bite is a serious problem in India. It is a preventable public health hazard in tropical and subtropical countries, high incidence of snake bite in this region is because of heavy rain fall and high humid climate. High morbidity and mortality because of traditional herbal and mantrik’s remedies remains more popular than western style of treatment. Most victims admitted in our hospital had already taken the above nature remedies. 15000–20000 people die each year due to snake bites in India. Out of which maximum are from Maharashtra state. Common poisonous snakes found in Konkan region are krait cobra, saw scaled viper, russel viper, and echis carinatus1.

Snake 67 (43 male, 24 female) snake bite victims between 20 and 80 years were admitted to our hospital. They were divided into the following groups according to their major clinical features.

Table: Group wise distribution of cases

Group Total Fatal
Local edema 25
Haemorrhagic 12 02
Cardiotoxic 01
Non poisonous 15
Neuron paralysis 14 04
Total 67 06