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The Company provides the following insurance options Easy Health for individuals
This plan covers individuals for In–patient treatments, pre and post hospitalization expenses, Day care procedures, Domiciliary procedures, Transplant expenses, Emergency ambulance costs, and many more.

The plan is divided into Standard, Exclusive and Premium insurance options. The premium prices and treatment options change according to the plan you choose. The Exclusive option includes policy cover for newborns, Maternity expenses etc. while the Premium option includes all of the above along with Out–Patient dental treatment, Spectacles, Contact lenses, Hearing aids every third year besides a whole host of other options.

Easy Health– Family Floater
This plan covers gives the same options as the Individual insurance policy including the Standard, Exclusive and Premium insurance options. Only, the policy covers your immediate family instead of just one individual.

Insure Health
Insure Health is an in–patient, easy–to–buy health insurance product. It is devoid of any lengthy procedures such as medical examination etc. You can buy Insure Health from any of the Apollo DKV counters by filling a simple proposal form and getting it authorized and activated at the counter itself. Insure Health comes with various Sum Insured options to suit your budget and your health insurance needs.

The company also offers travel insurance for people looking for insurance cover while traveling. For more information on all of the above, you can visit the company's website at