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Since RU–486 is not easily available in India, Misoprostol Alone Abortion trial will be conducted at the Pune Center.

All women had a positive response to E.C.P.

Only 12 patients (4.6%) had used E.C.P when the 1st follow–up of 261 patients was done and 1 patient (0.65) had used E.C.P during the second follow up of 166 patients.

None of the patients had used E.C.P when the 3rd or 4th follow–up was done.

12/13 (92%) patients who had used E.C.P belonged to the info pill group and1/13 (8%) patients belonged to the info group. This suggests that if pills are given in advance there is a tendency for women to use E.C.P. when needed.

12/13 (92%) of the patients used E.C.P as per schedule.

In all the patients who used E.C.P only 5/13 (38%) patients had headache, 3/13 (23%) patients had nausea and 2/13 patients (15%) had vomiting.

Most of the E.C.P users 12/13 (92%) had no change in the next menstrual cycle, only 1/13 patients (8%) had delayed menstrual periods.

All those patients who had used E.C.P were not pregnant when followed up again.

11/13 (85%) of patients who had used E.C.P were satisfied with the E.C.P use and 7/13 (54%) would use this regimen if needed again.

Male Involvement In Surgical And Medical Abortion In India:
Knowledge, Attitudes And Impact On Decision Making.

Funding Agency:
Population Council, New York.

Month & Year of Commencement: March 1999.

Over the past few years, increasing attention has been paid to men’s involvement in reproductive health, their role in family planning, ante–natal care and emergency obstetric care. Abortion, is one area where the role of partner has not yet been adequately assessed. Men, particularly husbands, may play an important role in their partners’ abortion.

As medical abortion becomes more widely available, it is increasingly important to learn what men know and think about abortion, as well as to understand their involvement in the process or procedure. While there is a growing literature about women’s preferences for medical or surgical abortion it remains unclear how men figure in this selection process and what concerns if any, they may have about medical abortion.

An exploratory study has been undertaken in KEM Hospital, Pune to redress the dearth of information regarding men’s involvement in abortion and to explore the implications of increased access to medical abortion for that involvement.


Funding Agency:
K E M Hospital Research Center

Date and Year of Commencement: May 1997

Routine use of uterotonic agents after delivery reduces the incidence of post partum hemorrhage but these uterotonic agents have several drawbacks like administrative method is invasive and is associated with unpleasant side effects.

Misoprostol is effective, nonmotensive, orally administered, easily stored and associated with few side effects. The prostaglandin E1 analogue was compared prospectively with Oxytocin in the active management of third stage of labor.

To compare the efficacy of oral prostaglandin with Oxytocin in prevention of Atonic PPH at KEM Hospital, Pune.

Study Design
It is a prospective study in which the two drugs namely Two Tablets of Cytotec 400 mcg and Inj. Oxytocin 10 units IM will be given in third stage of labor in an alternative manner.

Exclusion Criteria
Patients with bronchial asthma, major cardiovascular disorders and epilepsy were excluded from the study.

600 clients will be interviewed for this study in three distinct groups: Results
The study started in March 1999, In all 75 clients have been interviewed and the study will continue till 600 clients are interviewed.