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Times of India
8 December 2008

Neha Naik, Suvercha Agarwal, Shivika Sood, Varsha Pherwani and Olivia Joseph enjoy their workout at Abs for her Neha Naik, Suvercha Agarwal, Shivika Sood, Varsha Pherwani and Olivia Joseph enjoy their workout at Abs for her
Today women go through a hectic schedule of taking care of their families and home. And with the growing stress and trauma due to the recent economic slowdown, added pressure at work, study or at home, staying fit and healthy has become a must.

The real test is: are we fit enough to tackle all these? Will our body take these pressures? The one who stays fit mentally and physically can tackle all pressures in life, whether it’s a student, a homemaker, or a working woman who has a double job of taking care of the family and earning too. Most women unwind by watching television or going for kitty parties or just going on a shopping spree. But, most women are also looking for a place to unwind, socialise and at the same time stay fit.

Abs For Her is such a model that provides exclusive women’s fitness and fun together. Abs For Her clubs at Aundh, Baner, Mukund Nagar and Kothrud are a great success story in the world of fitness. At Abs For Her, the workout lasts for less than an hour and involves different exercises and machines specially designed for women’s weight loss. It’s an exclusive women’s place to unwind and socialise.

Most women are either busy taking care of their families, children, house or work. There’s nothing wrong in it at all, but in the process they have neglected themselves, and they always postpone the decision to do something for themselves. “I joined Abs for her not only to lose weight, but to spend time on myself. It’s sad that most women are spending time for others and have neglected themselves,” says Swati Desai.

“At Abs For Her it’s like a kitty party. But the difference here is that you don’t indulge in binge eating, and gossip, but you spend quality time with other women, get educated on nutrition and at the same time stay lean and fit,” Says Varsha Khurana member of Abs for Her.

To break the price barrier and make the clubs more affordable, all Abs For Her clubs have a special yearend promotion offer for the month of December.