Reply of the pathologists
An action committee comprising of six I members of Indian Association of Practising Pathologists (IAPP) Pune, has been formed to deal with the issue of il–legal pathology laboratories in and around the city. They have responded to claims by office bearers of Association of Clinical laboratory Analysis and Practi–tioners (ACLAP)
- ACLAP claim they are legitimate tech–nicians. IAPP action committee warn that falsely “Proclaiming a medical qualification is punishable under sec–tion 420 of the Indian Penal Code. Falsely carrying out medical activities is punishable under Indian Medical Council Act”.
- ACLAP say it’s not pathologists’ duty to find out which labs are illegal APP say they will submit a list of members who are legally identifiable, qualified medical practitioners registered with Maharashtra Medical Council.
- ACLAP say technicians in remote ar–eas can’t come to meet city MDs IAPP say various methods befitting the prin–ciples of Quality Management System can be devised once the laboratory Technician’s Association understands clearly their correct legal position.
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