24 June 2010
Bangalore, India
TXA Reduces Clot Breakdown, Prevents Excessive Bleeding

In a pilot study launched by BGS Global Hospitals on Wednesday, tranexamic acid, an antifibrinolytic that reduces bleeding, will be administered on accident patients either immediately or as soon as they are hospitalized.
Results of international CRASH–2 trial, involving over 20,000 adult patients in 274 hospitals across 40 countries, showed that early administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) could reduce bleeding to a great extent. The study was conducted by London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and funded by England’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment Programme.
The BGS Global Hospitals was also part of the trial and had enrolled 32 patients to try the injection. “The drug helps by reducing clot breakdown. Although this was known to be advantageous in patients with severe bleeding, there was always a doubt whether TXA might increase the risk of complications, such as heart attacks, strokes and clots in the lungs. The results of this trial show that TXA reduces death due to bleeding without causing any of these complications,” said Dr N K Venkataramana, vice–chairman and chief neurosurgeon, BGS Global Hospitals.
About one –third of delayed deaths in hospitals are due to bleeding. Also, it is difficult to estimate the amount of blood loss. However, according to Dr Venkataramana since the CRASH–2 study has already established that administration of tranexamic acid (TXA) has no additional side effects, it could now be incorporated in immediate trauma care.
During the study, the injection was administered first within three hours of accident and then eight hours after the first dose. According to Dr Venkataramana, all patients in the trial showed reduced bleeding and all survived.
Fatal Facts
- It is estimated that administering TXA soon after injury could save about 12, 865 lives each year in India and prevent about 2 lakh deaths per year across the world.
- Road traffic fatalities are predicted to increase by 67% by 2020
- BGS Global Hospitals is willing to impart training and know–how about the process to other trauma centers and hospitals
- The drug TXA costs around Rs 60 per injection.
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