11, March 2010
AS a new mother, your health is crucial for the child’s well being. In the first few weeks with their new baby, mothers mostly talk about their sadness, anxiety, or irritability. These feelings are very common and are known as “baby blues”. Following are some tips to manage those challenging early days.
- Diet: Keep eating a healthy diet (high amount of proteins, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables) and drink plenty of fluids as whatever you eat passes into your breast milk.
- Exercise: Do light exercises on a regular basis to increase your energy and instill a sense of well–being in you, while reducing weight. It can also reduce the risk of constipation. Some less exertive exercises like walking, swimming, yoga, pranayam are good options.
- Personal hygiene: Maintain personal hygiene, take proper care of your stitches if any and take care of your body by toning and oil massage.
- Take rest: Take out some time to relax, even if it is only 10 minutes. Set aside time for reading, listening to music, watching TV, meditating, showering or any relaxing activity.
- Take help: Accept or ask for help from friends and family for household chores that can take the pressure off of you.
- Follow a routine: Try to follow a feeding routine for your baby so that your sleep does not get bothered all the time and try to sleep when your baby naps. Limit guest visits and outings while you are establishing your baby’s schedule. Take out time for yourself everyday and you should talk to your husband, family and friends about how you are feeling.
- Talk to other mothers: You can learn from them.
- Post–natal depression: Many women experience post–natal depression due to hormonal changes during delivery. It is advisable to talk to your partner or to your consultant.
- Visit your doctor: Visit your pediatrician regularly and ask for a mental health professional if you are facing problems like depression, anxiety and mood swings.
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