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Indian Express
By Utkarsh Anand
New Delhi, India

Typed MLCs will also have photographs of the accused or victims, apart from mentioning type of injury and medical opinion
Now, Typed Medical Reports From DDU
Thanks to a city court’s concern followed by the Delhi government endeavour, handwritten and usually illegible medico–legal certificates (MLCs) are set to give way to computer–typed detailed reports prepared by experts.

Two months after Additional Sessions Judge Sanjeev Aggarwal issued an array of directives to all city hospitals, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital is going to be the first to effectively implement the proposal.

The DDU is now preparing computer–typed MLCs that also have photographs of the accused or victims. The MLCs also mention type of injuries and other medical opinions.

The photographs, along with signatures or thumb imprints, will remove any ambiguity regarding the identity of the accused during the trial. The MLCs will also attach photographs of the wounds or injuries so that a judge has clarity while invoking the penal provisions.

"The new format of the MLCs is a part of the upgraded facilities, which will make it easier for the courts and the public to have clarity regarding the identity of the patient and the nature of injuries. The proposal is now being taken for a final nod of the Delhi government," Dr Jiledhar, DDU's Medical Superintendent, told Newsline.

Irked by confusion during court proceedings due to undecipherable handwritten MLCs, the judge had asked the hospitals to refurbish the way they prepared the reports. Directing the Delhi government to monitor the implementation, ASJ Aggarwal had strictly called for an end to the handwritten reports.

For "better administration of criminal justice", according to the judge, it was imperative that the reports must be unambiguous about the injuries and other important medical facts so as to save the time of the court and also give "clarity to accused persons as to what is against them".

In a meeting scheduled for Monday, DDU, with a presentation and data compiled by NGO Digvijay Yagya, will introduce the new format of the MLCs. Other hospitals like Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and Guru Teg Bahadur will also participate in the meeting with Delhi Health minister Kiran Walia.

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