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Times of India
06 September 2010
Pune, India

Uveitis, or the inflammation of the middle layer of the eye, is an ophthalmic ailment that is now being diagnosed with more effective treatments. A two–day conference on uveitis organised by the National Institute of Ophthalmology, Pune, under the aegis of Maharashtra Ophthalmic Society and Poona Opthalmological Society, at the Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (YASHADA) on Saturday, had ophthalmologists deliberating on causes, diagnosis and further medical developments in dealing with uveitis, an otherwise incurable eye defect.

The nature and symptoms of uveitis, common mistakes in the management of uveitis, paediatric uveitis, cataract surgeries in uveitis and the connection between other bodily ailments and uveities, were some of the topics discussed and deliberated upon by a panel of experts comprising of seasoned ophthalmologists from all over the country.

"There is no cure for uveitis, but there are treatments available that can surpress this ophthalmic problem. Unlike previous times when we were often shooting in the dark while treating uveitis, today, people are more aware of the different tests and treatments available to bring uveitis under control," said Aditya Kelkar from NIO.

The use of steroids and immunosuppressives to diagnose and suppress, were also discussed by the medical experts while referring to different case studies during the presentation at the conference. "MRI scans of patients with uveitis and seeking neuro opinion can help during the treatment," said ophthalmologist Jyoritmoy Biswas.

Other experts present also spoke on how ailments like tuberculosis, chickungunya, cancer, HIV/AIDS and the like can lead to or aggravate uveitis. "There are some very new developments in treating uveitis, like injecting a microchip in the infected eye, that remains active for six months or so and releases certain fluids inside the eye automatically to keep the uveitis under control. This treatment is already in use in the USA and UK, but is yet to reach to India," added Kelkar.

Medico–legal issues and matters of professional ethics when it comes to diagnosing and treating uveitis, were also discussed. On Saturday evening, some patients with uveitis were also treated by the visiting experts at the NIO clinic in Deccan.

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