30 November 2010
By Vishakha Sharma
Younger–looking skin is just a prick away for Pune’s men, with more of them ‘lining’ up for Botox

Recently around a month back, a 50 year old business man from the city, Prakash Garewal (name changed to protect identity) is a 50–year–old businessman. About a month ago, he decided to get the injection to free himself from the signs of ageing. He said, "Being a businessman, I have to attend a lot of functions.
The wrinkles on my forehead always upset me and I would actually try to avoid socialising. Obviously, this was not always possible and I needed a permanent solution. Therefore, I decided to opt for Botox treatment at Aesthetics Medispa."
"The procedure was simple and I am quite happy with the results. I attend functions with complete confidence now, thanks to Dr Ashish Davalbhakta who treated me," he added.
However, the rising number of men opting for Botox has made no difference for women. According to Dr Davalbhakta, there are around 5 to 6 inquiries for Botox treatment by men every week and the number of final surgeries reaches around 10 to 12 in a month. On the other hand, the number of women opting for Botox is goes upto 25 a month.

Dr Davalbhakta continued, "The working world is fast–paced competitive and polluted and takes its toll on a man’s appearance. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes dull, dehydrated and sallow. Men who work start looking dull and drab and far older than they actually are. These changes can be prevented if proper care is taken, and if they have set in, they can be reversed to some extent using proper skin care administered in a health and wellness centre.
Premature aging is a common problem with men who spend a lot of time in the sun. They start getting creases and wrinkles on their forehead, frown lines, laugh lines, which, over time become deep and permanent.

Dr Sachin Kuber who has a hernia clinic at Deccan Gymkhana said, "The number of men opting for Botox treatment have certainly increased in the city. Men have become concious of their looks which is absolutely normal. We do around 8 to 10 Botox surgeries for men in a month, while the number for women goes up to around 20 to 25 a month."
Dr Krishna Chaudhari, a cosmetic surgeon with a clinic on Karve Road expressed a similar view. He said, "Women routinely come to me for Botox treatment. But now, even men have started getting this treatment. I can’t tell you the specific number of men who come for Botox but it has definitely started and will increase. However, the treatment is not exactly cheap (around Rs 20,000 – 30,000) so not everybody opts for it."
So what is Botox, actually? Dr Davalbhakta explains that, "Botulinum toxin is a chemical produced by a bacteria called Botulinum. It weakens the activity of muscles. This was first used as a drug by Allergan a health–care company) and called Botox.
Botox has the USA’s Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval and can be used to reduce the wrinkles and creases of the upper face. It paralyses the superficial muscles under the skin, which are responsible for the wrinkles. When the muscle does not contract, wrinkles do not appear and skin does not thin. Thus, Botox not only works therapeutically to treat early signs of ageing, but also prevents ageing."
Today’s men are well–informed. They research on the internet and have a basic understanding about what they need to do to look good. They usually come for a consultation to seek advice on what is needed by them to look younger, smarter and more fresh. Along with advice on proper skincare therapy which they can do at home, they often opt for Botox," he added.
Explaining the procedure, "At a consultation, our aesthetic surgeons and aestheticians assess the severity and location of the wrinkles and calculate the dose of Botox required. If lines are to softened without freezing of action, then about 50 units of Botox would be necessary for full upper face treatment.
If complete freezing of animation and wrinkles is expected, then about 80– 85 units are necessary. Anywhere from 1 – 20 units are delivered at various predetermined sites. The dose depends on the strength of the muscles for effective action. "
"The actual process of injection of Botox is relatively short and painfree. You might have some swelling or reddened skin on the day the injection is administered, but it subsides within a day. It takes about three days for the injection to start working and seven days for the complete effect to take place. The effect usually lasts from anywhere between 6 – 8 months. One then needs to top it up with another session of injections," he continued.
When asked how safe Botox is, Dr Davalbhakta said, "The process is safe in a trained and qualified personnel’s hands. However, if injected at the wrong sites or in too much quantity, the drug can migrate to neighbouring important muscles, causing weakening of action like the drooping of an eyelid or an asymmetric smile."
Botox Is...
Botulinum toxin is a chemical produced by a bacteria called Botulinum. It weakens the activity of muscles. This was first used as a drug by Allergan a health–care company) and called Botox. Botox has the USA’s Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval and can be used to reduce the wrinkles and creases of the upper face. It paralyses the superficial muscles under the skin, which are responsible for the wrinkles
How It Works
First, there is a consulation where the aesthetic surgeons assess the lines and wrinkles and determine the amount of Botox to be used. If lines are to softened without freezing of action, then about 50 units of Botox would be necessary for full upper face treatment.
If complete freezing of animation and wrinkles is expected, then about 80– 85 units are necessary. Anywhere from 1 – 20 units are delivered at various predetermined sites. The dose depends on the strength of the muscles for effective action CASE STUDY
Being a businessman, I have to attend a lot of functions. The wrinkles on my forehead always upset me and I would actually try to avoid socialising. Obviously, this was not always possible and I needed a permanent solution. Therefore, I decided to opt for Botox treatment at Aesthetics Medispa – 50–yr–old businessman who used Botox a month ago
The working world is fast–paced, competitive and polluted and takes its toll on a man’s appearance. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes dull, dehydrated and sallow. Men who work start looking dull and drab and far older than they actually are. They start getting creases and wrinkles on their forehead, frown lines, laugh lines, which, over time become deep and permanent. Hence more and more men are coming forward to treat this condition with the use of Botulinum Toxin or Botox."
–Dr Ashish Davalbhakta, cosmetic
surgeon and director of Aesthetics
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