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Times of India
12 June 2010
Bangalore, India

Caught On Camera Taking Bribe,Flees
 BBMP officials raid Ratna Ultra Sound Scanning Centre in Jayanagar.Radiologist V Suresh Kumar was caught on camera receiving Rs 14,000 and declaring the sex of the child
BBMP officials raid Ratna Ultra Sound Scanning Centre in Jayanagar.Radiologist V Suresh Kumar was caught on camera receiving Rs 14,000 and declaring the sex of the child
Sex determination and female foeticide continue to be rampant,but so far,not a single person has been convicted for the crime in the state.

A five–member committee,formed by the state health and family welfare department for implementation of the Pre–Conception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act,raided Ratna Ultra Sound Scanning Centre in Jayanagar 4th Block on Friday.

The centres radiologist V Suresh Kumar was caught on camera receiving Rs 14,000 and declaring the sex of the child.The sting operation was conducted by the committee along with the support of members of the National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW).

NFIW convener Shashikala Balagali told reporters that the raid was based on a complaint received by the public on sex determination being conducted at the clinic.Around 11.30 am on Thursday,I visited the centre along with a 28–year–old five–month pregnant woman,on the pretext of getting a scan done.We asked for the sex of the child,and the doctor demanded Rs 14,000.We paid him and within five minutes of scanning,Suresh Kumar declared that the foetus was a girl, she said.

Interestingly,the walls of this scanning centre are covered with posters and pamphlets,stating that sex determination is illegal.

With Suresh absconding,the centres attender Sunanda,who was present during the raid,said she was working with the centre for the past four years.On an average,they get more than 10 patients a day. The equipment and hospital records were seized and the centre sealed.A case was filed against the doctor for violation of the PNDT Act at the Jayanagar police station.

In the past three months,the five–member committee has inspected a total of 56 hospitals and diagnostic clinics,and collected a penalty of Rs 1.6 lakh.Four diagnostic centres Aruna Maternity Home,Gayathrinagar,Chaitanya Polyclinic,Peenya Dasarahalli,Vijayanag ar Global Hospital and Sarvajith Diagnostic Centre were raided and the equipment seized.All four cases are pending in court.Chairman of the committee Prakash Gupta said: For proper implementation of the Act,we have distributed information booklets on the PNDT Act,emphasising the importance of record maintenance and to display warnings against child sex determination at the centre.

Sex determination is illegal.Those involved in it have to pay a penalty of Rs 10,000 and undergo three years imprisonment, he said.

To register complains,the public can contact: District Appropriate Authority for implementation of PC and PNDT Act,M Thimmappa: 9449843037

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