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Times of India
27 May 2011

With The Monsoon Almost Here, Mosquitoes Are Buzzing Around, Spreading Diseases
Ill Season is Here Again
Tiny but terrible, the winged monsters are back to inflict disease on the city. With the onset of the monsoon, city hospitals are seeing an increasing number of cases of malaria, jaundice and even cholera. Acute respiratory tract infection is becoming common, and the number of inpatients in hospitals is on the rise this month.

The cause is mainly stagnant pools of rainwater, where mosquitoes breed. According to medical superintendent at St John’s Hospital George D’Souza, "We are seeing more malaria cases than usual this year, besides those with symptoms of gastroenteritis and typhoid, especially in the past few weeks," he told TOI.

Ditto at Manipal Hospital. There are more complaints of malaria from patients outside Bangalore and fringe areas, but the hospital has started getting complaints of dengue too. "Definitely there is an increase in cases of dengue, GE, acute respiratory tract infection, asthma and bronchitis. I have even seen two or three dengue cases a day. In Bangalore, the mosquito that breeds malaria is not as common as the one that breeds dengue. In any case, people have to be careful," explained Dr Ramesh S, consultant, internal medicine, Manipal Hospital. All doctors suggest special care for slumdwellers, who are more vulnerable to stagnant water pools around their localities.

Ill Season is Here Again
Getting at the Throat
The moment you catch a bad cold, your nose is blocked and you face difficulty in swallowing, it could be a severe respiratory tract infection that is common this season. Muggy weather, along with rain, leads to these infections. "Almost 45% of my out-patients are suffering from acute respiratory tract infections, and 10% of them have been admitted. With schools set to reopen in the next five or six days, this could lead to a rapid spread of the infection. The most important thing is to avoid very crowded places and use a handkerchief most of the time," said paediatric pulmonologist Dr H Paramesh.

However, due to the infection, many tend to selfmedicate by taking mild paracetamol like Crocin. Dr Paramesh suggests that if the fever is light, there is no point taking too many such tablets, which could in turn trigger asthma among children. Fever and cold usually subside on their own in a few days.

Aparasitic disease that involves high fever, chills, shivering, flu-like symptoms and anaemia. Symptoms of malaria include fever, headache and vomiting, and usually appear 10-15 days after the mosquito bite. If not treated, malaria can quickly become lifethreatening by disrupting blood supply vital organs. In many parts of the world, strains of malaria have developed resistance to a number of medicines.

An acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with the bacterium vibrio cholerae. It has a short incubation period, from less than one day to five days, and produces an enterotoxin that causes a copious, painless, watery diarrhoea that can quickly lead to severe dehydration and death, if treatment is not prompt. Vomiting also occurs in most patients.

Amosquito-borne viral infection causing a severe flu-like illness and sometimes, a potentially lethal complication called ‘Severe Dengue’. The incidence of dengue has increased 30-fold over the past 50 years. Up to 50 million infections are estimated to occur annually in over 100 countries where dengue is endemic.

Take These Tips
Avoid crowded places Cover your mouth with handkerchief Stay home if you are feeling sick Use precautions against mosquito bites Get your locality cleaned regularly to avoid breeding of mosquitoes Eat hot food Avoid cut salads from roadside vendors

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