05 April 2011
By Anahita Mukherji
Students With Learning Disability Are Easy Targets Of Discrimination
Call it the mother of all ironies. Five years ago, Suzan Machado was one of two parents to fight a valiant battle against an apathetic education system, which resulted in a landmark high court verdict on learning disability (LD). The order, passed in 2006, made it mandatory for schools to follow government guidelines on students with LD. But this year, when her son Aakil appeared for the HSC exams, he was denied the use of a calculator for his mathematics paper. Needless to say, Aakil is unhappy with his performance in the test. Who or what is to blame for his state of mind? Of course, an unsympathetic exam supervisor, but also ambiguity in the guidelines.

"If the board’s rules are so ambiguous, children should be allowed the use of a scientific calculator," said Sheetal Kumar, the lawyer who won Machado her case. She is currently arguing a case in the Supreme Court to allow a CBSE student the use of a calculator during exams.
When TOI contacted Srivastava, she said she never told Machado that Aakil was being denied the use of a calculator as another LD student was not using one. She said that after confiscating Aakil’s scientific calculator, he was offered a regular one, which he refused. "This is just not true," protests Aakil. Machado says that had her son been offered a regular calculator in exchange, she would not have raised the issue.
Srivastava also said HSC guidelines make it mandatory for students with LD to visit the exam centre a day in advance with certification. While she said Aakil did not do so, the boy told TOI he fulfilled the criterion a week before the exams began.
What is Dyslexia?

It is not caused by vision problems. The disorder is a specific informationprocessing problem that does not interfere with one’s ability to think or to understand complex ideas. Most people with DRD have normal intelligence, and many have above-average intelligence DRD may appear in combination with developmental writing disorder and developmental arithmetic disorder. All of these involve using symbols to convey information. These conditions may appear alone or in any combination
Source: US National Center for Biotechnology Information DOS
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