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Times of India
14 November 2011
Mumbai India

World Diabetes Day

More Mumbai women suffer from diabetes as comparedto men.Thiswas revealed in a survey ahead of World Diabetes Day on November 14. Significantly, the city has the most diabeticsin thecountry.

The survey conducted across five cities—Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Noida and Chennai —screened 28,79,175 people. Of the 24,34,799 people tested in Mumbai, 17.26% were found to besuffering from diabetes.

But what was surprising was the fact that more women (50. 51%) suffered from diabetes than men (44.49%).

Dr HemrajChandalia,director of Diabetes Endocrine Nutrition Management and Research Centre (DENMARC), said: “The high numbers of diabeticsisthe resultof a combination of genetics and environment. While Indians are genetically prone to diabetes, improving lifestyle is the key to reducing diabetes.’’

Commenting on thefactthat glucose abnormality was found morein thecity’swomen,Dr Nadeem Rais, diabetologist from Breach Candy, said the trend is being seen for a few years. “Since almost a decade,the number of women suffering from diabeteshasbeen shooting up.Obesity is a major reason for diabetes and more women tend to be obese than men. And their hormonal changes are much more frequentthan men,” hesaid.

The hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy and due tocontraceptives are reasonsbehind the obesity, and thus diabetes in women, Dr Rais explained. “Also, stress hormones act as direct anti-insulin agents, especially in women. Out of all endocrine patients (those prone to diabetes) we see, about 80% arewomen,’’ added Dr Rais.

Another problem affecting Mumbaikars, especially women, is the lack of Vitamin D. While the only source of Vitamin D is the sun, an average Mumbaikar’s lifestyle doesn’t allow them to soak in the early morning sun,saydoctors. “Vitamin Dis neededfor smoothfunctioning of beta cells in the pancreas,which produceinsulin. So a vitamin D-deficient person becomes insulin-resistant and thus susceptible to diabetes,’’ saidDr AnilBhoraskar,from International Diabetes Federation, adding that 61.4 million Indianssuffer from diabetestoday.

According to Dr Jatindar Bhatia,chief of labservices, pro jects North India, Metropolis Healthcare, the higher prevalence of the disease in Mumbai is mainly due to two reasons. “The awarenesslevelishigh and more people go for screenings. Secondly,lifein Mumbaiis more stressful, which results in early onset of the disease,” he said. The survey was conducted by MetropolisHealthcare.

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