Hits: 7589
DNA, India
01 March 2011
By Srishti Shinde

Do you chew your lips often or tap your feet again and again? If yes, you might just be having your own quirk
What IT RevealsWhat IT Reveals
Do you often shake your legs unnecessarily or bite your lips or lift your collar again and again? If yes. then you might be one of those people with quirks that always go unnoticed, but do reveal a lot about you to others. Your attitude. you insecurities, fears and even your impression in Front of people undergoes a change when they notice such quirks. Just to let you know. you might take them lightly, but they do reflect your dire insecurities in life. which you might not want to show.

Such quirks are often seen among people; however the doer is completely unaware of these habits of his.

"It is their subconscious mind that keeps them involved in such activities.

you ask about it, they would refuse of doing anything like that. These people suffer from acute insecurities and worries from with in, that’s the reason they have these weird quirks. I have a relative who keeps opening and closing his while Earlier it was only adults who suffered from these habits, but these days even youngsters seem to have developed these tendencies. Mendonca mentions that hectic work schedules, mental stress, overload and emotional breakdowns are some of the major reasons these quirks develop. Many of us either wonder or laugh at such people; in fact people never bother to know the reason behind such behavior: This in turn aggravates the problem further and such people often develop more quirks.

"In fact. their own people don’t try to recognise this abnormality in their behaviour, which is unfair. But normal people don’t really term these acts as some kind of a disorder, they feel it is a part of a persons attributes," adds Karyn.

Dr Kurien Thomas also supports this view. He asserts that there is definitely something that keeps bothering these people and they can't stop thinking about it.
"You might have noticed students tapping their foot while they are trying to concentrate on studies but are unable to h Earlier, it was only adults who suffered from these habits, but these days even youngsters have developed these tendencies.

Hectic work schedules, mental stress. overload and emotional breakdowns are some of the major reasons these quirks develop. Many of us either wonder or laugh at such people; in fact people never bother to know the reason behind such behavior. This in tum aggravates the problem further and such people often develop more quirks.memorise something. There are many instances of people when either their body is more active than their mind or vice-versa.

In some cases. perhaps there could be some physical ailment due to which these quirks are to be seen. There are some very unique type of quirks that can be associated with people, like scratching their head. biting the lips, raising their hand. picking your nose or ear, etc.." adds Kurien.

He says that generally these ailments are seen among introverts who don’t quite easily discuss their issues with people and keep worrying about it. These quirks are just one way of releasing the negative energy that body produces from time to time. By releasing these energies, the person feels quite relaxed and these quirks make them feel secure in some way or the other. These people can also be relaxed by talking about their issues to others. and sharing their problems.
So, the next time you point out such characters, try to help them instead of wondering as to about their quirky quirks.

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