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Does the practice of masturbation make the penis smaller and affect the sexual performance of the man?

Masturbation involves just the massage of the shaft or the tip of the penis along with the sexual fantasy. Sexual fantasy stimulates the sex centre in the brain and the physical massage stimulates the blood flow in the penis. After the masturbatory orgasm the internal structures come back to normal pre–excitatory state. This includes the going back of the trapped blood into the general circulation. This obviously reduces the size of the penis, making it look shrunken. This may be interpreted by the person as the belittling of his penis due to the masturbation. Thus he becomes anxious about his sexual performance which he has linked with his penile characteristics. This anxiety itself becomes a self–fulfilling prophecy. His sexual performance may become below par. He blames this to his masturbatory practice. Obviously, masturbation does not harm the internal structures of the genital parts nor does it have any damaging effects on the functional aspect of the penis.

Does the excess masturbation reduces the production of the semen?

Masturbation at any given time causes the discharge of the semen that is present in the semen–bags at that moment. Since semen is produced continuously from the lining of these bags, the generation of the semen is promoted after the emptying of the semen–bags. Thus masturbation results in stimulation rather than reduction of the production of semen. Moreover, there is nothing like excess masturbation. Body allows the action as long as it is capable of doing so. When it is not so, even by strong psychological feelings masturbation can not be practiced.

Why masturbation causes bodily weakness?

Masturbation does not cause weakness of the body. What the person may feel after the act is fatigue which is temporary. This is because ejaculation is in itself an exercise of the perineal muscles. It causes the loss of certain calories in a rigorous act. Therefore it is the fatigue that is interpreted as weakness. After the rest, it disappears. Hence that person is able to masturbate again.

Do the night falls cause loss of the vital energy?

Vital energy is equated to semen. Thus the loss of semen during a night fall or a wet dream as it is also called, is wrongly considered as the loss of vital energy. In fact this concept itself is unscientific and needs to be rectified. Semen is a simple biological fluid produced by the lining of the semen–bags. It is neither produced from the drops of the blood nor from any vital ingredients which may cause depletion of the body–energy.
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