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Sex is not a topic of discussion in this part of the world. It is considered indecent to openly discuss issues related to sex. Society tries to avoid discussing certain facts about sex and sexuality, which gives rise to misconceptions about sex.

Sr. No Myths Facts
1. Men have stronger sexual urges than women. Sexual urge is equal in both the sexes.
2. For sexual satisfaction a couple should have orgasm simultaneously.  It is not necessary for both partners to have simultaneous orgasm during sex.
3. A woman’s sex life ends with her menopause. Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life. Not her sex life.
4. Wet dreams are experienced only by men. Nocturnal orgasms or wet dreams can be experienced by women as well.
5. Wet dreams are sexual disorders.   Nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) are not a sign of sexual disorder. They are a part of normal sexual process. 
6. Frequent masturbation makes the penis shrink. The penis does not shrink when men indulge in masturbation.
7. Masturbation leads to nervous breakdown. Masturbation is a normal physiological activity. It is practiced by most of the individuals and does not lead to any abnormal behaviour or nervous breakdown.
8. If men masturbate the fixed quota of semen will be over.  There is no fixed quota of semen. From puberty to death, semen will be produced only if the testicles are healthy.
9. One drop of semen is equivalent to 40 drops of blood. This is not true. Semen is produced by testes, seminal vesicles and prostate gland and not directly by blood.
10. Penis will grow big if you have special food and exercise.  Whatever that is good for other body parts is also good for sex organs.
11. Sex education to youngsters may lead them to promiscuity.   Educating the youngsters on sex and sexual behavior helps them to develop a healthy and positive attitude towards sexuality. Telling them about sex will not lead them to promiscuity. Even without sex education, people indulge in promiscuity. 
12. Venereal disease occurs if you have done some misdeeds. No. venereal disease or infection is an infectious disease produced by infective organisms. These are sexually transmitted infections.
13. Venereal disease is cured if the man has sex with a virgin This is absolutely wrong. Infact the infected person will transmit the disease to the virgin.
14. Only homosexuals practice anal sex.  No. Heterosexuals also practice anal sex.
15. Only perverts have oral sex. Oral sex is a normal act and can be practiced by both partners as long as they are interested and free from infections.
16. If a women cannot conceive she is not a female. Ability to conceive does not determine the feminity of a woman.
17. Women ejaculate during sexual intercourse. Women do not ejaculate during sexual intercourse.
18. Vasectomy makes a man impotent. Sterilization (vasectomy in male and tubectomy in female) does not diminish sexual desire. In fact, it removes the fear of pregnancy, which in turn may increase sexual desire.