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The term “Heart Failure” sounds alarming, but it does not mean the heart has suddenly stopped working. Instead, it means the heart is not pumping as effectively as it should to deliver oxygen–rich blood to the body’s cells.

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) occurs when the heart’s weak pumping action results in a buildup of fluid (congestion) in the lungs and other body tissues. Congestive Heart Failure usually develops slowly. Symptoms may not appear for years, and they tend to worsen gradually over time. The slow onset and progression of Congestive Heart Failure results from the heart’s own efforts to deal with its gradual weakening. The heart compensates by enlarging and by forcing itself to pump faster to circulate more blood.

Risk factors for Congestive Heart Failure Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure
If the left side of the heart isn’t working well (left–sided heart failure), blood and fluid back up into the lungs. Patients will experience shortness of breath, fatigue, and persistent coughing (especially at night). In advanced cases, persons may begin to cough up pinkish, blood–tinged sputum. If the right side of the heart isn’t working properly (right–sided heart failure), the slowed blood flow causes a buildup of fluid in the veins. The feet, legs, and ankles begin to swell under the increased fluid volume. This swelling is called Edema. Sometimes edema spreads to the lungs, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. Fluid buildup causes patients to urinate more frequently, especially at night when body fluids are more evenly distributed. Fluid buildup also taxes the kidneys’ ability to dispose off sodium and water, which can eventually lead to kidney failure. Once Congestive Heart failure is treated, the kidneys’ function usually returns to normal.
As heart failure progresses, the heart eventually loses its ability to compensate and symptoms arise. In addition to those listed above, other symptoms may include: Diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure
Most physicians can make a tentative diagnosis of Congestive Heart failure from the presence of edema and shortness of breath. Other imaging techniques such as Nuclear Ventriculography and Angiography can provide a firm diagnosis and reveal the extent of the disease.

Treatment for Congestive Heart Failure
Studies show that drugs also help improve overall heart function and increase a patient’s exercise capacity. The following classes of drugs are often prescribed: Surgical and Interventional Procedures
Interventional procedures Surgical Procedures for Congestive Heart Failure The best way to prevent heart failure is to practice healthy lifestyle habits that reduce your chances of developing a heart problem. It’s also important to identify early any risk factors that contribute to heart failure, such as high blood pressure or coronary artery disease. The vast majority of patients with congestive heart failure can be successfully treated, most commonly with interventional procedures. Patients should carefully follow their physicians’ advice, in doing so, they can continue to live full and productive lives.

Lifestyle Changes