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Angiography Angiography
Angiography is an X–ray technique where dye is injected into the chambers of your heart or the arteries that lead to your heart (Coronary Arteries). The test lets doctors measure the blood flow and blood pressure in the heart chambers and see if the Coronary arteries are blocked.

How does it work?
In angiography too, cardiac catheterization is done. The procedure is similar. Once the catheter is properly guided to the coronary vessels, a dye is injected into it. The path that this dye follows is carefully monitored by the doctors. Any narrowing and or blockage in the coronary vessels becomes evident from the procedure of angiography.

What should I expect?
The procedure being similar to angiography, the pre–procedure expectations are similar too. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your test. Talk to your doctor about any medicines that you are taking, because he or she may want you to stop taking them before the test. Also, it may be helpful if you bring your medicines with you to the procedure, so that the doctors know exactly what you are taking and how much. You will most likely have blood tests, an electrocardiogram, and a chest X–ray taken before the procedure.

You will be taken to a special chamber for the procedure. A needle with a tube connected to one of the veins in the thigh. This is where the dye will be injected from, once the doctor is assured that the catheter is in place. After the angiography is complete, you will be moved to another room (possibly the cardiac care unit) where you will need to rest for a few hours. You may feel a little sleepy until the sedative has worn off. You should try to lie still and not bend your knee too much. Nurses will watch to see that your Heart rate and Blood pressure are normal. After this time of rest, you can go home.

Angiography is a very safe test. The dye used for the test is harmless, and by drinking lots of liquids after the test, you can help rid your body of the dye. Sometimes, a person will have an allergic reaction to the dye, but this is rare.