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If you suffer a heart attack, you may lose consciousness in seconds. And, if you happen to be alone, there are two things you can do to increase your chances of survival. First, take an aspirin, which is something you ought to carry with you at all times, particularly if you have ever been at risk for a possible heart attack. Second, cough! Cough repeatedly, deeply and vigorously. Breathe and cough in two–second intervals, and don’t stop until help arrives or the heartbeat returns to normal.

Deep breaths fill oxygen into the lungs, and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain its normal rhythm. Thus coughing can enable heart attack victims to maintain their consciousness longer, in fact, long enough to call for help.

Six ways in which you can help yourself
High blood cholesterol causes a build–up of fats in your coronary arteries. Cholesterol is a kind of fat that is present in some foods. It is also produced by your liver, then released into your blood stream. A simple blood test gives your cholesterol level. High cholesterol level is one of the controllable risks of Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD). A 25% reduction in your cholesterol level gives you a 50% reduction in your risk of heart attack. A change in diet is all that you need to save your heart.

Diet changes Exercise and weight loss
Exercise helps you take off and keep away any extra weight, which will also help lower your total cholesterol levels.

Luckily it is one of the easiest risks to identify and, once you are motivated, you can do something about it – that is… STOP SMOKING!

If you are a patient with high blood pressure…
Then take all the necessary precautions as advised to you by your doctor.

If you are a Diabetic…
You can help control arteriosclerosis by keeping your blood sugar levels within limits. Again you strictly need to follow your doctor’s advice.

Changing your life–style
If you are stressed at work or at home, try and learn some relaxation techniques.
So… To minimize the risk of IHD.
  1. Avoid fatty foods, avoid physical activity that produces symptoms.
  2. Stop smoking.
  3. Regular intake of medicines for related problems like Hyper–tension advised by your doctor.
  4. Regular medical follow–ups.
  5. Inform your doctor immediately if you have chest pain.