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Menstruation is monthly uterine bleeding out flowing through the vagina during reproductive life of a woman i.e. from menarche to menopause. It contains blood, cervical mucus, endometrial fragments & vaginal epithelium. Irregular Periods
Periods can be irregular at extremes of the reproductive life i.e. after menarche & nearing menopause. Otherwise periods should be regular.

Dysmenorrhoea means painful menstruation. It is usually seen as stomach ache & backache. This is a normal phenomenon, which is a result of progesteron secretion. Occasionally there may be associated disorders like endometriosis, pelvic inflammation, fibroids etc.

Heaviness & tenderness in the breasts during menstruation
Some women do have heaviness & tenderness in the breasts during menstruation while some may have it premenstrually. If it is mild, only reassurance is the treatment.

Sex during menstruation
It is safe to have sex during menstruation since there are no chances of conception, however it is not hygienic.

Physical Activities during menstruation
It is advisable to restrict vigorous physical activities during menstruation but routine activities should be continued.