Pune 411001, Maharashtra, India
Phone No: +91 20 6122686
We admit Blind boys and Blind girls coming from varied socio–economic background and is open to blind all castes and creed.

We continue to give education from Montessori to Secondary School certificate Examination free of charge. We also give other amenities free such as lodging, boarding, books, medical aid etc.
- White Cane Day
The Section comprises of Montessori and Braille class. This class is well equipped with beautiful apparatus for sensory training. We have equipped this class with toys and play things both outdoor and indoor. Our school is such a place which prepares its student for life. Naturally, the activities planned at the school ensures overall development of the children. From 5th onwards children are sent to sighted schools upto 10th std. under the integrated education system. The curriculum and the subjects are the same of those of normal children.
Craft work provides an excellent media to blind children, to their creative ideas into aesthetic form. We teach them to prepare candles, string bags, school chalk sticks, and decorative candles.
Physical Education
Physical education is essential to blind children because it enhances their mobility. The normal natural movement of a blind child are perforce restricted. We have a CPED teacher who teaches students drill, Lezim and also various games.
The students are encouraged to participate in scout activities and camps.
Shirdi Sai Baba Nursery
Nursery building is donated by Shamdasani Foundation. The Nursery is equipped with cassettes, talking books, toys and play things. There are 15 children in our Nursery.
We always encourage our children to mix with others freely and with boldness. We send them for competition and variety entertainment programs.
To achieve the best results, education must start at the earliest, also it should be a joyous as possible for that a child reaches out to knowledge as a flower reaches out to the Sun. This is all pertinent when children are handicapped, physically or mentally in one way or another, for theirs is the greatest need. Aware of this need we create just such an atmosphere for the small blind children with us. Through the play–way Montessori method through song and dance.


The musical orchestra of our children is well known throughout Maharashtra.
Vocational Training Center
We give vocational training to blind boys and blind women. To the blind boys we give them training in chalk making, candle making, cane work etc.
The blind women are the most neglected segments having double disability. They are female and also blind. We give them training in recanning, weaving handloom articles, chalk and candle making, knitting, simple sewing, job work, envelop making etc.
For personal development of the trainees daily living skills, home management, orientation, domestic art and crafts are included.
Teacher Training Center
We started a Teacher Training in 1990. We have received recognition from Rehabilitation Council of India, New Delhi. There was a great demand for the teacher Training Center as there was not a center in Maharashtra. So we started the Teacher Training center in Pune for Maharashtra. Uptill now we have trained nearly 200 teachers.
Bridge Course
We conducted the first batch of Bridge course for personnel working in the field of Blind. The course was held from 14th December, 1998 to 9th January, 1999 at Pune in the campus of Poona School & Home for the Blind Trust.
The course was based on the curriculum designed by RCI. Twenty five personnel working in various organizations, school and workshops for the Blind in Pune, Sholapur, Kolhapur, Chalisgaon, Satara, Mumbai, Alandi attended the course.
Experts from various fields such as Govt. officers, from social welfare depts., social workers, Educationalist and Experts working for the Blind from Mumbai and Pune. Psychologist, ophthalmologist were invited to give the lectures. Field visits were arranged for various institutions, Workshops.
The trainees were given practical knowledge of conducting classes, how to teach subjects, and trained to prepare lesson plans and techniques of teaching the blind.
The course was inaugurated by Mr. B. V. Joshi Rtd. Dy. Director of Social Welfare Department. Certificates of participation were awarded to the trainees after completion of the course at the hands of Dr. Manohar Apte (Chancellor of Dnyaneshwar Vidyapeeth).
Also we have conducted a Refresher course from 22nd February, 99 to 12th March, 1999. 14 teachers from Buldhana, Dhule, Solapur, Jalgaon, Varora, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Jalna attended the course.
We had also conducted a 3 days Revision Camp from 16/11/98 to 18/11/98 for the teacher from Solapur and Kolhapur along with Social Welfare Department.
This year also we have conducted a Bridge Course from 27th Sept.,99 to 25th October, 1999. The course was inaugurated by Shri Majgaonkar, an welfare Officer from Kinetic Honda ( He was Medical Social Worker in Social Welfare Dept.) Also Dr. V. Z. Sali, Member of Pune University and Officer from S.S.C., Board was the Chief Guest.
The Readers from nearby and even from far away places come voluntarily and regularly to read and teach the text books, General Knowledge books, also to teach spoken English. We are thankful to all Readers from Koregaon Park and Kothrud.
Our grateful thanks to our donors, sympathizers, volunteer, members of the Industrial and Commercial organizations for their invaluable assistance from time to time. We are thankful to our Honoraries to their devoted services.
We are very much thankful to the Department of Social Welfare for grants, support and valuable guidance.
Also we are grateful to Lions, Rotarians, Innerwheel Club, for arranging various programs such as tree plantation, medical check up, various competitions.
Special thanks are all officers of IDBI & RCI for giving full co–operation and financial aid.