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What are the different types of headaches?

Tension – Tension headaches, which account for about 90 per cent of headache complaints, are caused by stress, poor posture, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. When a tension headache strikes, muscle spasms in the head and neck cause a diffused ache that can be felt in the temples, the neck, and sometimes down the back. The pain might be localized or more generalized, causing an aching sensation over the entire head.

Sinus – Pain centered around and behind the eyes signals a sinus headache caused by congestion in the sinus cavities due to colds, allergies and infections. Sinus headaches are aggravated by changes in altitude (bending over or flying).

What to do to relieve a headache?

For minor headaches
A variety of over–the–counter medications are available – such as Disprin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen which are useful in treating the pain of tension headaches. In addition, decongestants and antihistamines can relieve the nasal cavity pressure associated with sinus headaches.
B. For severe headaches
Prescription medications are often required to treat the pain of intense migraines or other disabling headaches. Consult your physician for guidance if your headache is severe.

Drugs Commonly Prescribed For Severe Headaches

Anti–inflammatories, caffeine – Act to decrease swelling of blood vessels. Pain relievers – Prescription–strength medications may be used to relieve severe pain. Anti–depressants – These drugs are used for symptom relief. Beta blockers, vasoconstrictors, and calcium channel blockers – are used to reduce the frequency of headaches.

How to avoid a headache?

You can try to avoid headaches or ease their discomfort by using these additional remedies:

How often should I apply acupressure?

Acupressure is completely safe and can be done as many times a day as you want or need. Let your body be the judge as to how much you need? If you feel good and your muscles feel relaxed you’re probably doing it the right amount.

How long does it take to do the entire Acupressure Works routine?

The entire acupressure routine can take as little as 10 minutes or as long as you want. Once people start using acupressure on themselves they find it FEELS REALLY GOOD. When is the last time you asked someone who is rubbing your shoulders to stop. Never, right. It’s the same thing with acupressure. Once you start you won’t want to stop.

What are those “Knots” that occur frequently?

Technically, it is the abnormal joining of tissues. Those knots or “Adhesions” can occur around a site of previous inflammation. Although they don’t always cause problems, they can limit flexibility and range of motion in and around a joint capsule.

Is it essential to maintain a regular exercise program when there is back pain?

In the past, people were told to lie down and rest to deal with their back pain. But, more recently we have found that such advice actually contributes to more pain and disability due to the weakening of muscles. Now, doctors advise patients to get (or stay) active as a way of dealing with back pain.

Walking should not exacerbate a back problem, and is important for overall health. Be sure to replace your exercise shoes often, as the support your shoes lend is critical. Yoga and other exercises designed to improve your flexibility have been shown to reduce risk of back injury, so, this is excellent for you to continue. In addition, you should definitely add strength training to your routine, especially exercises that target the abdominal and the back muscles with the help of physiotherapy. Strengthening these muscle groups will likely help to alleviate some of your pain, as weak back and abdominal muscles are often contributors to chronic back problems.

When should you go to the Emergency Room with back pain?

When dealing with back pain, the emergency room isn’t always the best place to go. Insurance may not cover the costs, and you may not receive the proper treatment for the symptoms you are suffering from. But there are times when getting to the emergency room quickly is a must! Symptoms include:

Loss of control of the bowels or bladder which urges you to go to an emergency room or see a spine specialist. This symptom represents “Cauda equina syndrome”, and neurological damage could result. Paralysis of the bowels and bladder could result if not attended to promptly.

Foot drop or weakness in the legs – weakness that extends to the foot and may be worsening could be a sign of permanent paralysis of the nerves.

Car accident or fall – falling down the stairs, slipping or car accidents may cause all sorts of back and neck pain. X–rays will be taken to make sure no vertebrae are fractured.

Excruciating pain, especially if it’s in the evening.

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia – believe it to be a musculoskeletal disease causing varying degrees of pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons which are the “Fibrous” tissues in the body and hence the name fibromyalgia

What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?

The most common symptom is pain. These pains are usually muscular and are described as throbbing or burning, and can be shooting or stabbing causing muscle spasms. The other major symptom is fatigue which can leave the fibromyalgia sufferer feeling totally drained of energy. Both of these major problems can then lead to associated disorders such as sleep disorder, chronic headaches including migraines, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, sensitivities to food, medication, chemicals, and weather conditions.

What is the cause of fibromyalgia?

There are many theories ranging from “Psychosomatic” to “Genetic predisposition”. It is believed that there are certain trigger events which can bring the onset of fibromyalgia These trigger events are traumatic childhood, accidents, viral or bacterial infections or the development of associated diseases.

What are current treatments for fibromyalgia?

There is unfortunately no known cure for fibromyalgia Since the real cause of this disease is unknown, there are no prescription medications that can stop or prevent this disease. Attempts are made with prescription pain killers, anti–inflammatory drugs, anti–depressants, muscle relaxants and sleep enhancers. All or any of these have only shown limited degrees of success. They can also produce negative side–effects like nausea, bowel changes, dry mouth and headache. Most doctors believe that physical therapy and exercise provides the most dramatic improvements. Low impact and water aerobics are suggested to help the body overcome muscular pain. The problem is that many Fibromyalgia sufferers feel so fatigued that they can’t even get out of bed.

The majority of doctors dealing with fibromyalgia are pain management specialists who utilize other psychotherapy, acupuncture or even hypnosis to deal with the anxiety and frustration associated with constant pain and fatigue.