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MRI Scanner
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a state–of–the–art technology which provides invaluable diagnostic data regarding a medical problem. The technique produces cross–sectional pictures of bone structure and organs in the body. These pictures are clearer and more detailed than pictures obtained by X–rays and CT scans. MRI uses a super–conductor, radio frequency pulses and a computer which converts the action of the radio waves into pictures. Because high–frequency sound waves cannot penetrate bone or air, they are especially useful in imaging soft tissues and fluid filled spaces.
Ultrasound is good at non–invasively imaging a number of soft tissue organs without X–rays:
- Heart.
- Pelvis and reproductive organs.
- Kidneys, liver, pancreas, gall bladder.
- Eye.
- Thyroid.
- Blood vessels.
- Fetus.
MRI of Kidney
An MRI does not generate any harmful radiation. The radio frequency pulses used are similar to those transmitted by radio stations. There are no side–effects. Patients do not experience any discomfort during the procedure.
Preparation for MRI
No special preparation is required. However, if you have any of the following devices, you cannot have an MRI:
MRI of Brain
- A pacemaker.
- Aneurysm clips in the brain.
- Inner ear implants.
During the test, the patient is alone in the room. The doctor and technologist supervise from the next room and are in constant contact with the patient through a glass window in the room.