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What is the prostate?

The prostate is a gland of the male reproductive system. It is located in front of the rectum and just below the bladder, (the organ that stores urine). The prostate is quite small – it weighs only about an ounce – and is nearly the same size and shape as a walnut. The prostate wraps around a tube called the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder out through the tip of the penis.

How common is prostate cancer?

Nearly one in every five men will be diagnosed with the disease at some time in their lives. Prostate cancer is the second largest cancer killer of men, behind lung cancer. It is also the most common cancer diagnosed today, behind skin cancer. The incidence of prostate cancer increases with age. More than 75 per cent of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over age 65. Some studies have shown an overall two to threefold increase in the risk of prostate cancer in men who have a history of this disease in their family. The incidence rate of prostate cancer is nearly two times higher in African–American men than in Caucasian men.

What causes prostate cancer?

The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown. We do know that prostate cancer is a group of cancerous cells (a tumor) that begin most often in the outer part of the prostate. Early prostate cancer usually does not have any symptoms. As the tumor grows, it may spread to the inner part of the prostate and eventually put pressure on the surrounding parts of the body, such as the urethra. This may block the flow of urine from the bladder and cause other urinary problems, which usually are the first to appear. If left untreated, prostate cancer can spread from the prostate to nearby lymph nodes, bones, or other organs. This spread is called metastasis. As a result, many men experience aches and pains in the bones, pelvis, hips, ribs, and back.

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

Other symptoms of prostate cancer include blood in the urine and/or a painful or burning sensation when urinating. It is important to remember that prostate cancer, especially in its early stages, may not produce any symptoms at all. That is why regular examinations are recommended. If left untreated, prostate cancer can spread from the prostate to nearby lymph nodes, bones, or other organs. This spread is called metastasis. As a result of metastases, many men experience aches and pains in the bones, pelvis, hips, ribs, and their back.

Why does prostate cancer spread?

The male hormone testosterone produced almost entirely by the testicles, stimulates prostate cancer much in the same way as kerosene fuels a fire. As long as the body produces testosterone, prostate cancer will probably continue to grow and spread. In fact, the American Cancer Society considers high levels of testosterone to be one of the principal risk factors for prostate cancer.

What is hydronephrosis?

It is a enlarged kidney with water in it. Causes of this condition can be obstruction or reflux.

Can it be corrected successfully?

Yes, it can be corrected successfully. In most cases of hydronephrosis, it can go down on it’s own. On moderate to severe cases, it will be monitored. If surgery is necessary, it can be quite successful even in the most severe cases. In severe cases, surgery may be done one or more times to correct the kidney.

What should I monitor if my child has hydronephrosis?

Fevers are important to monitor. If your child has a fever over 100 degrees Fareinheit for a 24 hour period, take him or her to your doctor right away. Even if it is a virus, you can never be too careful. UTI (urinary tract infection) is alone not serious, but if goes to the renal area, scar tissue is one of the concerns. If your child has a sore tummy or back without any symptom of flu, it is good to take the child to your doctor. Hydronephrosis can cause flank pain. It should never be ignored.

How is this condition caused?

No one knows how this condition is caused. Some speculate environmental pollution has been causing more and more birth defects in children.

My son was diagnosed in utero. How should I find a good doctor?

It is important to find a good urologist, you and your child are comfortable with. You should get referrals from friends, or do your best to find one who makes you feel confident. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question!