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Diabetes Education Modules

In 2002, the IDF Consultative Section on Diabetes Education (DECS) developed an International Curriculum for Diabetes Health Professional Education as a step towards implementing a model of care for diabetes that is supported by skilled multidisciplinary teams.

While feedback on the Curriculum was positive, the need for supplementary content was identified. In response, DECS developed a modular CD–ROM– and paper–based resource containing more than 800 slides with detailed speaker notes.


The modules include sections on the pathophysiology and classification of diabetes, psychological issues and behavioural change; nutritional issues, physical activity and self–management. The activity slides facilitate group work on a variety of diabetes therapies, and short– and long–term complications. The modules also contain questions and answers that can be used to gauge participant’s knowledge during presentations.

The supporting material presented in this package is divided into five sections. A sixth section provides information on group work and case studies to assist course providers in the consistent and appropriate delivery of the information.

Course facilitators will need to undertake some preliminary work to ensure that they are familiar with the content, and, where relevant, adapt it to meet local needs. Please refer to the leaflet accompanying this CD–ROM (Education modules Leaflet.pdf) for tips and recommendations on how to prepare a course, on how to view and print the slides, and to view sample programmes.

For the first five sections, each individual module is also available in audiovisual form, presented by the respective authors.

The DECS members welcome any feedback you may have on this new comprehensive diabetes education resource.

Source: International Diabetes Federation