International Diabetes Federation, a global organization, founded in 1950, includes over 190 member–associations from 150 countries, has been celebrating WDD on 14th November since 1991, as a tribute to the main researcher of Insulin, Banting, who was born on this day. Since last year the day has received special importance since United Nations has also joined IDF to celebrate this day.

Every year some theme is attached to this day and awareness drive is carried out for whole year. Last year’s theme was to “Diabetes in Children and Adolescents.” In pursuance of this theme, IDF launched a program for children in 2001, titled “Life for Child,” so that no child should die of diabetes. The program intends to provide all essential things to poor children of developing world, including testing instruments, strips and Insulin. So far only 1000 children have been enrolled and IDF aims to double the figure in next year.
From 2009 to 2013 theme shall be “Diabetes Education and Prevention.”
Dr. Uma Shankhdhar, President of U.P. Madhumeh Association, exhorts the needy to contact for free service of IDF through our association, contact number is 9452181101
Magnitude of the Problem
- Currently there are 250 million patients of Diabetes in the world.
- As per broad generalization, for every one diagnosed case of Diabetes one patient remains undetected.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 135 million diabetes individuals in 1995 and projected that this number would increase to 300 million by the year 2025 (recently revised figure 380 million).
- Excessive rise in number is due to increased urbanization, rise in incidence of obesity, sedentary lifestyles and stress.
- The number of people with diabetes will increase by 42% (from 51 to 72 million) in developed countries and by 170% (from 84 to 228 million) in developing countries.
- Out of 10 nations, most affected with Diabetes, 7 are developing nations and only 3 are developed ones.
- Pre diabetes is a condition, which includes subjects with marginally raised blood glucose, not enough to label them as diabetic. They carry high tendency to develop diabetes in future. Prevalence of pre diabetes is approximately 20% in India.
- Every 10 sec, 2 patients of diabetes are added in the world while one person dies due to Diabetes, thus 6 million new patients are added every year and 3.8 million people die due to diabetes related causes.
- Every day more than 200 children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Thus 70,000 type 1 Diabetes patients are added every year at a rate of 3%
- Close to 75,000 children in low–income and lower–middle income countries are living with diabetes in desperate circumstances.
- Diabetes is a pandemic and affects more number of persons than even AIDS
- The stark reality is that many children in developing countries die soon after diagnosis,” said Dr Jean–Claude Mbanya, President–Elect of the International Diabetes Federation.
- Every 30 sec one person undergoes amputation of leg some where in the world, totaling 10 lakh amputations annually.
- Approximately 90% of these amputations start with minor ulceration and 85% are preventable.
- More than 50% cases of renal failure are due to diabetes.
- Diabetes patients carry 2–4 times higher risk of Coronary Heart Disease (which includes Angina and Heart attack) and Stroke.
In India:- There are 42 million patients of Diabetes
- India heads the list of most affected nations in the world.
- As per current projections, India shall remain on the top position even in 2025
- Prevalence of Diabetes in India is around 12%
- Prevalence of Diabetes in urban population is almost 4 times compared to rural population.
- As industrialization is rising and rural population is shifting to urban areas, prevalence of diabetes is expected to rise sharply in near future.
- Diabetes is the 6th commonest cause of blindness in the developing nations while it is the 2nd commonest cause in the developed world.
What UPMA is doing
- Organizing Global Diabetes Walk on 14th November at 7 AM in front of Lekhraj Market–I, Indiranagar.
- Organizing an awareness talk of Dr. L.K. Shankhdhar on Healthy Life Style.
- Organizing painting competition and awareness talk at Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, Gomtinagar, Lucknow.
- With Canara Bank, organinzing Awareness Talk of Dr. L.K. Shankhdhar, followed by Q&A session
- L.K. Diabetes Centre is the only private exclusive Diabetes Care Centre in North India.
- It undertakes several initiatives from 14th November:
- Launches Pre Diabetes Detection Unit: anybody can get himself checked for his glycemic status. Pre Diabetes is a Wake Up Call for anybody and it is mostly preventable.
- Launches Diabetes Education Unit under Dr. Smita Shankhdhar. All patients shall be rendered individual education as per their need. Dr. Smita Shankhdhar is the only Medico Educationist to perform this duty in India.
- Joining hands with Indira Diagnostic Centre to set up a Foot Check up Unit under Dr. Kshitij Shankhdhar.
- Rosiglitazone, available in India as Windia, Rezult, Enselin, Rosicon has been dropped from the list of ant diabetic drugs by American Diabetes Associations, recently. The drug has been found to increase risk of Heart attack, Heart failure, fractures and macular oedema, resulting into blindness.
- A new drug, Rimonabent, introduced in India approximately two year before, has been withdrawn from European market on instructions of Drug Controller. Its international brand is Accomplia by Aventis. The drug has been found to increase the risk of Depression and Suicide. Unfortutunately the drug is available even as OTC (one the counter) product in India.
- Latest guideline regarding management of Diabetes by American Diabetes Association as well as European Association for Study of Diabetes have suggested Metformin as first line drug for patients failing to achieve control on Diet and exercise. The second line includes Basal Insulin therapy, Sulfonyl Urea, Pioglitazone and Incretin Mimetics. The third line suggests to include Basal Insulin therapy followed by Intensive Insulin therapy as step care measures.
- Alfa Glucosidase Inhibitors, namely Acarbose (Glucobay), Miglitol (Migtor, Mignar) and Voglibose (Volibo, Volix, Voglitor), Glinides such as Repaglinide (Europa), Nateglinide (Glinate) and DPP4 Inhibitors, namely Sitagliptin (Januvia) and Vildgliptin (Galvus) have been dropped from the new list of anti diabetic drugs.
Dr. L. K. Shankhdhar