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World Diabetes Day on 14th November, Why?
International Diabetes Federation, a global organization, founded in 1950, includes over 190 member–associations from 150 countries, has been celebrating WDD on 14th November since 1991, as a tribute to the main researcher of Insulin, Banting, who was born on this day. Since last year the day has received special importance since United Nations has also joined IDF to celebrate this day.

Dr. L. K. Shankhdhar M.D. (Med.), DMRE, PGDND, MAMS, FICN Dr. L. K. Shankhdhar M.D. (Med.), DMRE, PGDND, MAMS, FICN
Theme of the Day
Every year some theme is attached to this day and awareness drive is carried out for whole year. Last year’s theme was to “Diabetes in Children and Adolescents.” In pursuance of this theme, IDF launched a program for children in 2001, titled “Life for Child,” so that no child should die of diabetes. The program intends to provide all essential things to poor children of developing world, including testing instruments, strips and Insulin. So far only 1000 children have been enrolled and IDF aims to double the figure in next year.

From 2009 to 2013 theme shall be “Diabetes Education and Prevention.”

Dr. Uma Shankhdhar, President of U.P. Madhumeh Association, exhorts the needy to contact for free service of IDF through our association, contact number is 9452181101

Magnitude of the Problem

What UPMA is doing What L.K. Diabetes Centre is doing? What is new in Diabetes Contributed by
Dr. L. K. Shankhdhar