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The IDF Consultative Section on Diabetes Education (DECS) was established in 1994 to identify and address issues relating to diabetes education and care at the international level.

DECS is committed to improving the quality of life of people with diabetes through assisting health professionals, professional organizations and member associations to provide high quality diabetes education and care. This is being achieved through leadership development, training programmes, partnership with industry and improved communication for all health professionals involved in diabetes care.

DECS has produced two documents, available for download free of charge, aimed at improving the profile of education and the expertise of diabetes educators worldwide


The Consultative Section also promotes, organizes and supports education courses and workshops in the seven IDF regions. A Multidisciplinary Diabetes Care Education Programme has recently been developed.

Diabetes Education Modules
In 2002, the IDF Consultative Section on Diabetes Education (DECS) developed an International Curriculum for Diabetes Health Professional Education as a step towards implementing a model of care for diabetes that is supported by skilled multidisciplinary teams. While feedback on the Curriculum was positive, the need for supplementary content was identified. In response, DECS developed a modular CD-ROM and paper-based resource containing more than 800 slides with detailed speaker notes.

Source: International Diabetes Federation