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International Curriculum on Diabetes Health Education
The International Curriculum for Diabetes Health Education is brought to you thanks to the work of the IDF Consultative Section on Diabetes Education (DECS). The Curriculum can be readily adapted to meet the different and particular needs of local health professionals, institutions and organisations. It can be used to facilitate the training of health professionals from a variety of disciplines and at different levels. For example, it can be used in full as the basis of comprehensive post–graduate, university–based diploma and masters programs or in part for short workshops.

In 2006, the Consultative Section developed the IDF Diabetes Education Modules, comprising of over 800 slides with detailed speaker notes to accompany the module outlines and the objectives set out in the curriculum.

The Consultative Section on Diabetes Education believes that the provision of high–quality diabetes education requires health professionals to have a sound clinical understanding. In line with this, considerable emphasis is placed upon pathophysiology and the clinical management of diabetes. Diabetes education, delivered by well–trained health professionals, should be integrated with clinical care, forming the key to successful patient self–management.

Educating the educators: an International Curriculum for Health Professionals in Diabetes (article published in Vol 47 Issue 4 of Diabetes Voice)

The Curriculum is set out in modular format. Each module contains Source: International Diabetes Federation