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List of insulin producers

  • Insulin Colour Code

The IDF Task Force on Insulin, Test Strips and Other Diabetes Supplies has compiled a list of insulin producers and products. The list is intended as a readily accessible source of information for people with diabetes and other interested parties. The data provided within this list is intended for informational purposes only.


It is provided with the understanding that the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is not engaged in rendering medical service or recommendation. The information should not be construed as endorsement, promotion or recommendation by IDF. IDF cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use of any information contained within this list.

The information contained in the list will be regularly updated to reflect any additions or changes relating to it. If you have any comments or questions regarding the document, please contact Larry Deeb, Chair of the IDF Task Force on Insulin, Test Strips and Other Diabetes Supplies.

List of insulin producers and products as of 01/02/07 (where possible, we have indicated those insulins that have obtained either US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) or European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) approval)

Source: International Diabetes Federation