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Lion R. Sankaran Lion R. Sankaran
Millions of people suffer from diabetes worldwide and unaware they have the disease. Lions educate the public about the warning signs of diabetes and its sight–threatening complications. Through LCIF, they also support medical facilities and research into treatment of diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of blindness.

Diabetes is a very serious disease that can cause problems like blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, and amputations. But by taking good care of yourself through diet, exercise, and special medications, you can control diabetes. Diabetic eye disease, a complication of diabetes, can be treated before vision loss occurs if properly treated in time.

Sight first and Diabetes Awareness Programmes are Two Corner Stones of Lions Clubs International. It is with an aim to fight Blindness Lions Clubs promote Diabetes Awareness through out the world.

Lions Club International Lions Club International
The Lions Diabetes Awareness Program was introduced in 1984. Lions became involved in diabetes education because diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among people between the ages of 20 to 74. Nearly one–half of people with known diabetes have some degree of diabetic retinopathy.

WORLD DIABETES DAY is celebrated every year on November 14 and was established by the International Federation of Diabetes and The World Health Organization in 1991. Lions are encouraged to facilitate diabetes community awareness events on this day.

A seminar about Strides
Lions Walk for Diabetes Awareness was held during the 89th Annual Lions Clubs International Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Seminar attendees participated in the inaugural Strides Lions Walk to the convention exhibit hall.

Free Diabetic Detection Camp Free Diabetic Detection Camp
Lions Walk for Diabetes Awareness is an exciting and active method of informing the public about diabetes, the leading cause of new cases of blindness in adults. In 1984, the International Association of Lions Clubs adopted the Diabetes Awareness Program in an effort to reduce new cases of diabetic retinopathy.

Information about eye disease and the strong links between diabetes and eye disease often doesn’t reach the public. That’s why Lions Clubs spotlighting the need for screenings for sight and diabetes

I request all the Clubs to organize Diabetes Awareness and Detection Camps for which the Clubs will get 1000 points as per Contest Rules.

Our District Governor, young and dynamic Leader Lion Dr. Thassim Syed Mohamed PMJF is God’s gift to Lionism. He aims, at making our organization most popular and our District the Best. Let us join hands making the dream come true.

I am confident that together we will continue to advance the aims and objects of Lionism and live up to our motto “We Serve”

Miracles Through Service – Harmony Through Service

Contributed by
Ln. R. Sankaran MJF
District Chairperson Diabetes awareness
Ananda Surgicals