- Counseling.
- Early intervention.
- Adaptive training.
- Living skills training.
- Vocational training.
- Economic rehabilitation.
- Social integration.
Alpha to Omega Learning Centre
16, Valliammal Street,
Chennai 600 010, India.
Telephone: +91 44 6443090, +91 44 616257
Fax: +91 44 6426539
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Helen keller service society for the disabled
This is a non–profit, charitable, voluntary organization established in the year 1979. The organization implements service projects for the welfare of the disabled in Tamil Nadu, founded by Dr. G Thiruvasagam for the service of people in the field of welfare of the disabled in rural areas.
Helen Keller Service Society for the Disabled
Vizhiyagam, Viswanathapuram,
Madurai 625 014, Tamil Nadu, India.
Telephone: +91 452 641446, +91 452 640735
Fax: +91 452 641490
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Samveda Training & Research Centre (R)
This is a registered non–profit and non–government society, dedicated to the rehabilitation of children with learning disability and/or other health impairments. Under the able guidance of Dr. P Prakash, Chairman, Dept of Psychology, University of Mysore, Samveda made its beginning in early 1995.
Samveda Training & Research Centre(R)
Regd. Office: P.B.No.258, D.No.607/1,
6th Main, 6th cross, P.J.Extension,
Davangere 577002, Karnataka, India.
Fax: +91 8192 5351/55571
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Amar Seva Sangam
Sangam was established by Mr. S Ramakrishnan in 1981 being the year of the disabled. Mr. S Ramakrishnan became a paraplegic in 1975 at the age of 21, when he met with an accident while trying for naval recruitment service. After intensive self–rehabilitation, he wanted to serve society and spend his life motivated by some purpose.In the year 1992, a young professional accountant, Mr. S. Sankara Raman, who suffers from muscular dystrophy and is confined to wheelchair, left his lucrative practice at Chennai, and joined S Ramakrishnan with the dream to build a “Valley” for similar persons with disability. Their vision was to make Amar Seva Sangam a model centre catering to the needs of the disabled.
Amar Seva Sangam
“Sulochana Gardens”, Post Box No. 001, Tenkasi Road,
Ayikudi P. O Tirunelveli 627 852, Tamil Nadu, India.
Telephone: +91 4633 67160, 67170, 67317
Website: amarseva.org
Telephone: +91 44 8274035, 8240402
E–Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This provides an opportunity to children with physical, mental and multiple disabilities that DISHA has set up.
Disha Centre for Special Education
F–139 Shyam Nagar, Jaipur 302 019, India
Assisi School for the Deaf
This school for the deaf is been managed by Assisi Sisters of Mary Immaculate. They undertake the following services: (1) Pre–school training – The school has a well equipped audiology room to provide speech stimulation and therapy. (2) Educational facilities – Currently there are 99 children in the school who also avail of the residential facilities offered. Other programs include, parental guidance and home training; audiology clinic; speech training program; early detection and guidance; vocational training in crafts such as tailoring, typing and computer applications.
Palachode PO, Malapuram Dist,
Malapuram, Kerala, India.
Telephone: +91 493 313219
Contact Person: Sr. Celetty Francis, Headmistress.
Association for the welfare of persons with Mental Handicap
Turner Morrison House, (Basement), 16 Bank Street,
Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: +91 22 2654816
Contact Person: Pushpa Bhowmik.
Association for the welfare of the Handicapped
This organization works for the advancement of the disabled. It also works in collaboration with Alzheimer’s Related Disorders Society and the Hemophilia Society.
The disabilities served here are:
- Cerebral palsy/spastic.
- Hearing impaired.
- Mentally handicapped.
- Orthopedically impaired.
- Slow learner.
- Visually impaired.
M. Square Complex,
Pavamani Road, PO Box No.59,
Calicut, Kerala, India.
Telephone: +91 495 720 601/720 434
Fax: +91 495 720 028
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Person: V. Kunh Ahammed Kutty
Akshay Pratishthan Rehabilitation Centre
Akshay Pratishthan works at the district and state level with a multidisciplinary approach. It provides integrated education to the able and disabled from the nursery to class VIII students. It has a workshop for the assembling of mobility aids such as shoes, crutches, calipers and prosthesis.
D–3, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, India.
Telephone: +91 11 6896143
Fax: +91 11 6896143
Contact Person: Aruna Dalmia
Website: http://www.elisda.com/soccult/org.html
Thakur Hari Prasad institute
seeks to enhance the quality of life for people with mentally–retarded disabilities. Also provides vocational training programs, therapeutic treatment, and family support.
Centre for Rehabilitation & Education of the Mentally Retarded
Mission Statement: “Our goal is to offer comprehensive care to as many mentally handicapped individuals as our facilities can accommodate without regard to race, sex or religion. If we can in turn help those individuals develop the skills and self–esteem to become productive members of society, our Mission is accomplished”.
Deaf Reach
Voluntary organisation consisting of deaf and hearing people committed to working with the deaf community in India.
Postal address
30, 4th Floor, Abids Shopping Centre, Abids,
Hyderabad 500 001, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Telephone: +91 40 6665269
General Information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Webmaster: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vagdevi Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Communication Impaired
Vagdevi Centre was established in 1996 by Shantha Radhakrishna, a speech language pathologist and audiologist trained in India and USA. The purpose of this Centre is to promote integrated education for the communication impaired and to create an awareness about communication impairment via public education and multimedia.
National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP)
Non–profit organisation working as an interface between government, industry, international agencies and the voluntary sector towards better employment opportunities for people with disability.
National Centre for Promotion of Employment for people with disability
25, Green Park Extension, Yusuf Sarai,
New Delhi 110016, India.
Telephone: +91 11 6854306, 6967910
Fax: +91 11 6963030
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
National Society for Equal Opportunity for the Handicapped (NASEOH)
NASEOH, India founded in 1968, works towards the betterment of all categories of people with disability. It provides people with disablities with equal opportunities for education, vocational training, work, and recreation.
Postal Colony Road, Chembur,
Mumbai 400 071, Maharashtra, India.
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +91 22 5220224/522 5830
Fax: +91 22 5220225
Rehabilitation Council of India
Responsibilites include regulating and standardizing training policies and programmes in the field of rehabilitation of people with disabilities.
Rehabilitation Council of India
23–A, Shivaji Marg, Near Karampura Complex,
New Delhi 110 015, India.
Sanjeevani Seva Sangam
In the year 1981, which was declared the ‘International Year of the Disabled’ a group of twelve enterprising women of Indore got together on 16th February 1981 and formed into a registered society ‘Sanjeevani Seva Sangam’ with the objectives of working for the welfare of the disabled in the fields of education, health, socio–economic upliftment by way of training and employment, and thus total rehabilitation.
Sanjeevani Seva Sangam
Behind Satya Sai Vidya Vihar, Scheme No. 54
Indore 452008, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Telephone: +91 731 553823
Kakkum Karangal
A home for the mentally challenged.
Siva Sakthi Kaakkum Karangal
No 3, Ponniamman Kovil Street,
Alapakkam, Chennai 608 801, Tamil Nadu, India.
Telefax: +91 44 4769848
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Janey Centre
Day school for mentally disabled children. The Mission is to rehabilitate mentally disabled children by preparing them for greater self–sufficiency and independent living, and to make them productive members of the society.
The Janey Centre for Special Education
Near Pishari Temple, Eroor,
Kochi 682 306, Kerala, India.
Telephone: +91 484 780772, 778906
Fax: +91 484 425290
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Special school for the mentally impaired children. Jyoti aims at training the handicapped in self–reliance and self–dependence. The primary aim of the institution is to provide educational, prevocational and vocational training facilities to the mentally retarded as well as hearing impaired children.
MGR Memorial Charitable Trust
This home recognised by the directorate of rehabilitation of the disabled of the Government of Tamil Nadu has specially trained staff to handle the classes upto the higher secondary level with facilities for Science groups. Apart from general education, the team of skilled and dedicated teachers guide the children to acquire language and speech skills as well as gymnastics, dance and yoga and help in nurturing their all round personality as to cope up with the challenging world.
MGR Higher Secondary School & Home for the Speech & Hearing Impaired
MGR Gardens, Chennai 600 089, India.
Telephone: +91 44 2490629, 2490562
Clarke School for the Deaf and Mentally Retarded
Offers education with dance, yoga, and computer training. The Clarke School is one of the few successful schools in India imparting high standard of education to the Hearing Impaired and the Mentally Retarded.
The Director
The Clarke School for the Deaf
#3, 3rd Street, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai
Mylapore, Chennai 600 004, Tamil Nadu, India.
Telephone: +91 44 8572422
Fax: +91 44 8572422
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Madras Institute To Habilitate Retarded Afflicted (Mithra), a non–profit voluntary and charitable organization catering to the rehabilitation of the mentally retarded and physically handicapped children.
Indian Address
Sr. Mary Theodore, O.A.M.,
Hon. Secretary/Admn. Officer,
D 171, R. V. Nagar,
Anna Nagar, Madras 600 102, South India.
Telephone: +91 44 6449368
Fax: +91 44 6449368
E–mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Australian Address
Mrs. H. Mahanoy
9, Soden Street, Greenslopes 4120,
Queensland, Australia.
Telephone: +91 73 3972199
Fax: +91 73 38473116
They produce handcrafted items in India by physically handicapped individuals as part of a socio–economic rehabilitation project.
398, Jodhpur Park,
Calcutta 700 068, India
Telephone: +91 33 4730269
Fax: +91 33 4131976
E–mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cheshire Homes
Cheshire Homes is a residential facility for physically handicapped people. Services include: Residential Home for 45 physically handicapped women and girls ages from 4 to 84, Rehabilitation Centre (started in 1985) which aims to train physically handicapped men and women, The School for children of the Home, Shop for the sale of handicrafts.
The General Secretary
Cheshire Homes India Bangalore Unit,
H.A.L. Road, Bangalore 560 017, India.
Telephone: +91 80 5266970
Share & Care Children’s Welfare Society
Share and Care Children’s Welfare Society is a non–profit making, non–political, non–governmental organization working with poor, orphan and destitute children, the handicapped, the aged, women, bonded laborers and fishermen in both rural villages and urban slums in and around the South Indian City of Chennai (Madras).
Share and Care Children’s Welfare Society
28, Arumugam Street,
Perambur, Chennai 600 011, India.
Phone: +91 44 5376338/+91 44 5379175
Telefax: +91 44 5376338
E–Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.