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International journal of disability, development and education
International journal of disability, development and education
It provides a single source of information on the education and development of persons with disabilities. IJDDE aims to publish the very best research and review articles concerned with all aspects of education, human development, special education and rehabilitation.

Disability and Rehabilitation
Disability and Rehabilitation
Disability and Rehabilitation is an international, multidisciplinary journal which seeks to encourage a better understanding of all aspects of disability, and to promote the rehabilitation process. The journal publishes review articles, experimental and clinical research papers, case studies, clinical commentaries, reports on rehabilitation in practice, rehabilitation engineering and major book reviews, spanning a range of issues including the severity and magnitude of disability, clinical medicine including gerontology, psychosocial adjustment, social policy issues, vocational and educational training, and rehabilitation engineering.

Disability & Society
Disability and Society
Disability & Society is an international journal providing a focus for debate about such issues as human rights, discrimination, definitions, policy and practices. It appears against a background of change in the ways in which disability is viewed and managed.

International journal of Language & Communication disorders
International journal of Language & Communication disorders
The International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders is the official journal of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists, and is an academically rigorous journal which presents clinical and theoretical research, and is a principal forum for the discussion of the entire range of communication disorders.

Journal of intellectual and Developmental disability
Journal of intellectual and Developmental disability
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability is the official journal of the Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability (ASSID). The Journal publishes international articles which contribute to theoretical and practical knowledge about people with a developmental disability and focuses in particular on people with an intellectual disability.

Pediatric Rehabilitation
Pediatric Rehabilitation
The coverage of Pediatric Rehabilitation will encompass issues and research involving developmental as well as acquired and developmental pediatric disabilities.