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Schizophrenia is usually caused by:
- A biochemical disorder in the brain wherein the brain produces too much of the neurotransmitter called ‘Dopamine’. This excess in neurotransmitter results in very high sensory stimulation and nerve impulse firing with consequent multiplicity of thoughts and altered perceptive levels, such persons with a biochemical disorder may develop schizophrenia without any predisposing life stress whatsoever.
- Environmental stress factors of a severe nature eg. death of a family member, severe financial loss, rejection in a love affair, failure in exams dismissal from a job, pregnancy, marriage, divorce etc.
- A marginal genetic or family predisposition has definitely been noted in schizophrenia, as stated earlier the incidence in normal population is 1–2%, however, if one parent has the illness, then the chances of one of his children having it is 4–5%.
- Distortions in the family dynamics and interactions these result in an unhappy or violent childhood and subsequent poor capacity for mental adjustment in the prospective patient