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Vitiligo or Leucoderma is psychologically devastating and therapeutically challenging disorder. It is not a disease per se, it is an autoimmune disorder in which body destroys its own pigment cells. Melanocytes or cells giving colour to skin, sometimes gradually decrease in number leading to white patches on the skin. This depigmentation of the skin does not affect other organs of the body. Cosmetic disfigurement and fear of hereditary transmission has attached undue importance and social stigma to this disorder.

Videos of Vitiligo Couples
Mrs. Jyoti & Deepak Mohite Mrs. Renuka & Mandar Pawar Mrs. Varsha Anand Khechkar
Mrs. Jyoti & Deepak Mohite Mrs. Renuka & Mandar Pawar Mrs. Varsha Anand Khechkar

Vitiligo is found all over the world and is seen 1to3% of the population. Vitiligo is not a contagious disease and it does not affect physical and mental capability of a person in any manner. In approximately 10 to 15% of people it can be transmitted to future generation.

Cosmetic disfigurement in Vitiligo leads to lot of emotional problems, depression, and damage to one’s self image and family disputes. These people need firm emotional support from family, friends and society to overcome the devastating mental trauma. In half of the affected population, the patches are noticed before the age of 20 years, shattering their childhood, disturbing their education and spoiling their youthful dreams.

A Ray of Hope
It was under such gloomy, stigmatized social scenario, “Shweta Association” was initially formed in March 2001 by few individuals suffering from Vitiligo who have overcome their complexes with the help of emotional support from close ones and are successful in their personal, professional and family life. All of us are working with a mission of spreading light of hope to Vitiligo people all over the world. Many eminent Social workers, Skin specialists, Psychiatrists, Genetic counselors, pathologists, Beauticians are working actively with us.

Our Vision
Our highest aim is to secure eradication of the curse of Vitiligo affecting millions of people, by scientifically identifying causes of this malady and by developing curative treatment. Till then we work towards prevention and diluting ill– effects of Vitiligo including social stigma.

Objectives Spectrum of Activities How to meet us How to participate in this mission Association Regd.Maharashtra/ 1144/2001/Pune.
Income Tax exemption to donors under section 80G
Vide No.PN/Tech–1/80G/N–185/2002 –2003/334.

  • Shweta produced “Nital” – a feature film on Vitiligo with famous director duo Sumitra Bhave– Sunil Sukhtankar in Feb2006.
  • Prestigious “Dr.Anita Awachat Smriti Sangharsha Puraskar” was awarded to our founder Dr. Mrs. Maya Tulpule on 10th Feb.2004
  • In 2008 Dr. Mrs. Maya Tulpule got the ‘Manav Seva Dharma Sanvardhini Swami Gyanand Award for Excellence in Social Work’.