Step two: Heal your digestive system with enzymes and nutrients
The seemingly biggest factor involved in food allergies is having a “Leaky gut”. A leaky gut has increased permeability compared to a healthy one, thus allowing all the undigested food particles to pass through the intestines and enter the bloodstream. Heal the gut by upping your enzyme intake through raw food and enzyme supplementation. Eating at least 70% raw food would greatly assist in detoxifying your body from all the chemicals it released as a consequence of mistaking food as an invader. A mainly raw diet would also accelerate the healing of a leaky gut.
The main reason for the existence of undigested food particles is that the body is not producing enough enzymes to properly and completely break down food into simple, usable, and highly–assimilable substances. Enzymes are particularly known to break down the undigested food proteins that the immune cells attack as allergens. Proteolytic or protein–digesting enzymes such as protease, bromelain, and papain can greatly help in digesting unmetabolized protein allergens present in the blood. Enzymes can also boost immune system function by promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut. An efficient immune system relies heavily on healthy intestinal flora in fighting a host of diseases, including allergies. So make it a point to take probiotics to enable your body to effectively fight your type 3 allergy.
Vitamins and minerals are also required to heal a leaky gut. In fact the enzymes depend on nutrients to carry out their tasks successfully. Poor nutrition leads to enzyme deficiency, which leads to poor assimilation of nutrients, resulting in greater nutritional deficiency. Enzyme and nutritional deficiency are the leading causes in the development of a wide range of diseases, from allergies to cancer.
Vitamin A destroys free radicals and regulates the release of prostaglandins during allergic reactions. Vitamin B6 helps reduce depression, migraines, and ADHD caused by food allergy. Like vitamin B6, zinc is important in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach to increase the body’s ability to digest food. Vitamin C helps the body detoxify by disabling free radicals produced during allergic reactions. Vitamins A, B6, and C, along with zinc, stimulate and maintain the thymus gland, the body’s main immune gland. Magnesium helps reduce symptoms of asthma, migraine, and depression. MSM or methylsulfonylmethane, quercetin, and omega–3 fatty acids are all anti–inflammatory supplements. They also aid a lot in reversing a leaky gut. Glutamine and probiotics both bolster the body’s immune system function and assist in healing a highly–permeable gut.
Of all the nutraceuticals mentioned above, quercetin appears to be the most powerful anti–allergy supplement in removing type 3 allergy symptoms. As an insurance policy it is good to take quercetin thirty minutes prior to reintroducing previously aggravating food.
Good digestion begins in the mouth, so chew your food well whether you’re eating raw food or not. Chewing raw food well helps release its enzymes in your mouth, thus making it easy for its nutrients to be broken down. Cooked food would also be more easily digested by the enzyme supplement if well–chewed.