
Amebiasis is a common infection of the human gastro–intestinal tract. It has a worldwide distribution. It is a major health problem in the whole of China, south–east and West Asia and Latin America, especially Mexico.
It is generally agreed that Amebiasis affects about 15% of the Indian population. Amebiasis has been reported throughout India.
Transmission of Amebiasis
Host Factors
Amebiasis may occur at any age. There is no sex or racial difference in the occurrence of the disease. Amebiasis is frequently a household infection. When an individual in a family is infected, others in the family also get infected.
Environmental Factors
Amebiasis is more closely related to poor sanitation and socio–economic status than to climate.
Mode of Transmission for Amebiasis

This may readily take place through the intake of contaminated water or food. Epidemic water borne infections can occur if there is heavy contamination of drinking water supply. Vegetables, especially those eaten raw, from fields irrigated with sewage polluted water can readily convey infection.
Sexual Transmission

Such as flies, cockroaches and rodents are capable of carrying cysts and contaminating food and drink.
Incubation Period of Amebiasis
About two to four weeks or longer.
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