Women’s Health

This section is a tribute to the Indian woman. It’s about all that goes on in a woman’s body and mind. Get a complete lowdown on all aspects of women’s health from pre–menstrual tension, menopause, cardio–vascular disease to mental health, eating disorders, sexually transmitted diseases and more.
Director’s Note
“Jananee” as a film subject hit me for the first time when I was doing a research study which involved surveying Sonography clinics in various parts of the country.
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Women’s Health
Expert's Advice on Poisoning

Poisoning: Call the nearest emergency health service in your area. Give them all the details, including the name of the poison or drug, if known, and the quantity you believe has been swallowed. read more…
Desk Exercises

You could reduce stress, increase your endurance, and relieve stiffness by incorporating some of these safe tips and exercises into your daily work routine. read more…

Health Professional's Negligence
Records of published articles in the newspapers helps common people about precautions to be taken while seeking the services from health professionals and also helps health professionals to rectify the negligence.read more…