Causes of Dysentery
The parasite is spread by food or water which have got contaminated with infected feces.
Dysentery may have several causes, such as parasites (worms), chemical irritants, bacteria and protozoa (amoebae). But, there are two main infectious forms that affect humans: Sonne dysentery, caused by the bacteria (shigella sonnei) and amoebic dysentery, caused by an amoeba (entamoeba histolytica). Both forms are transmitted by contaminated water or food. Dysentery is particularly common in tropical countries where standards of hygiene are poor.
Precautions for Dysentery
Since dysentery is more common in tropical countries, it is important to avoid eating uncooked foods and ensure that all foods are prepared in the most hygienic way. It is essential not to drink unboiled water, because this may carry the infection. All foods must be kept covered to prevent flies from contaminating them with the disease.
Symptoms of Dysentery
- Thirst.
- Stool containing blood and mucus.
- Loose stool.
- Lower abdominal, crampy pain.
- Straining during defecation
- Fever.
- Fluid replacement therapy is started in patients due to fluid depletion. It can be given orally if the patient can take it by mouth or given intravenously.
- Liquid diet is advised like water, clear soups (chicken or dal).
- Milk and milk products should be avoided. Sugar is also restricted as it can prolong the disease.
- Normal diet can be resumed slowly after the symptoms have reduced like cooked cereals, bananas, baked potatoes, rice, and dal. The diet should be light as your intestine has just recovered from the infection.
- Antibiotics can be given in severe conditions as per the physician’s advise.
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