Curing diabetes with exercise and diet?
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Dr Rajeev Sharangpani is the man who treats patients who come to him with such disorders. Most come to him when conventional medication has failed and their condition has progressively worsened. Desperate for some relief and hope, they try this unconventional method as a last ditch attempt. Many are surprised when it works. The man who makes this happen for many has given up cancer surgery to pursue sports medication. His patients are certainly better off for it.
Says 40–year–old Jyotikumar Kulkarni, an obesity and diabetes patient, “I had Type II Diabetes Mellitus and was advised by doctors to shed weight, avoid sweets and take four tablets of gilbencamide regularly. I would feel fatigued and had no energy absolutely. Besides, my blood sugar remained a high 358 ml/dl.” Kulkarni tried to follow his doctor’s advice diligently for two years. Nothing worked and his medication increased to nine pills. On Sharangpani’s advice, Kulkarni enrolled at the Chaitanya Health Club and lost 8 kgs. in two months. In a year he managed to lose 30 kgs from 98 kgs and his blood sugar is now at 103 at fasting and 110 mg/dl post–prandial. Even his medication intake reduced as his sugar levels fell. “I have not taken any medication for the past six months”, says a visibly happy Kulkarni.

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