Diet & Nutrition
Benefits of Water
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You’ve heard it a thousand times: Drink eight glasses of water a day. Even though this is just an estimated amount for most people, you don’t do it. You’re drowning in excuses–you don’t like the taste, it’s not convenient, you never remember. No big deal, you think–it’s not affecting your health. To understand why water is so important, you have to know what it does for your body. So grab a tall glassful, and read on.
Your body is one–half to four–fifths water, depending on how much body fat you have. Water makes up nearly 85 percent or your brain, about 80 percent of your blood and about 70 percent of your lean muscle. (because there are a lot of tissues that have less water, the average is about 50 percent.)
Every system in your body depends on water. Its roles are impressive. Water:
- regulates your body temperature.
- removes wastes.
- carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells.
- cushions your joints.
- helps prevent constipation.
- lessens the burden on your kidneys and liver by removing some of the toxins.
- helps dissolve vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to make them accessible to your body.
Prevention floats
Besides helping your body run smoothly, there’s some evidence that water helps prevent certain diseases. People who have had kidney stones can prevent further stones from forming by drinking lots of fluid. And in one study, women who drank more than five glasses of water a day had a risk of colon cancer that was 45 percent less than others in the study who drank two or fewer glasses a day.
Diet & Nutrition

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