Now let’s look at some illnesses and the warning signs to look for
Anaemia is indicated by cold hands, white nails and lines that are pale even when the skin on the palm is stretched out. Prevention: take iron supplements.
Allergies are shown by the presence of an allergy line – a curved line on the lunar mount on the lower part of the palm. Prevention: take an allergy test and cut out reactive foods.
Depleted vitality – check for weak lines overall, flabby, deflated mounts and a tasselled ending to the lifeline. Prevention: you need a better diet, regular exercise and a holiday!
Digestion problems are shown by a deep, or multiple Mercury lines. Also by a short, weak lifeline or one with many breaks in it. Prevention: eat healthy meals at regular times, don’t drink fluid with meals nor snack on junk food.
Endocrinal disorders are indicated by fine horizontal lines on the fingertips on all the digits (very common, normal and nothing to worry about if undergoing the menopause). Prevention: acupuncture has been proven to help with endocrinal problems.
Irritable bowel syndrome is indicated by lots of fine lines crossing the lifeline creating the effect of the line looking partially erased. Prevention: avoid all wheat products, take probiotic supplements, and learn to relax.
Jaundice is easily recognized by yellow palmer skin and nails. Prevention: take the herb milkthistle, avoid fats and alcohol.
Thyroid problems – if the hands are hot, moist, smooth and silky, there is an overactive thyroid. If it’s under active, the skin is cold, rough, dry and doughy. Prevention: get plenty of rest, eat foods high in iodine, i.e. seaweed and seafood.
If you’ve found a warning sign on your palm, don’t panic! Few of us are without some sign of low–level disorder or other. Take professional advice – have regular check ups. A good diet and a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and rest will alleviate or prevent most conditions.