Sangita Thakur Wadnerkar is a clinical psychologist. She has been practicing in Pune for the last eight years at her clinic on M G Road and Salunke Vihar. She has also been practicing at the Inlaks & Budhrani Hospital for the last six years. She specializes in counseling children, couples and adults. Patients with problems of depression, phobias, poor communication skills, stammering and personality problems are a regular for counseling and treatment at her clinic. She also specializes in marriage and career counseling (including Aptitude Testing) and conducts personality development workshops for children and adults. She has published a lot of articles in local newspapers and is co–author of the article “A Personality of Drug Addicts: Eysenchion Analysis”. This article was published in Personality and Individual Differences Journal, 1993 vol. 15–No 2.
Articles given by Sangita Thakur
Bring Back The Pep In Your Step

So what if you are going through a difficult patch just now? Keep up your spirits, look for the silver lining and wait for the new dawn of a new day. Bring back the color in your life, advises Sangita Thakur, a clinical psychologist. Rani was having an affair with a boy for three years. Life went on wonderfully for her. It was like living in heaven, as if she had found the “Prince of her dreams”. But one day, she had a heated argument with her boyfriend and he left saying, “I don”t want to see your face again”. Two years have passed since the incident. She still thinks he will come back to her one day. Even after six years, Mrs Samant cannot forget the day when she saw her 23 year old daughter’s body hanging from the ceiling fan. She still has restless nights and often cries out loud in her sleep. She has also lost interest in catering to the needs of her other two children and her husband.
Mr and Mrs Adhikari divorced two and half years ago, in spite of staying together for 15 years. The reason for doing so, says Mr Adhikari was that “I tried to be a loving, understanding, dedicated husband with a stable job, but I failed”. Even though two years have passed being divorced, Mr Adhikari still feels guilty for not having worked harder on their marriage. He often feels depressed, lonely, angry at himself and is not interested in marrying ever again. Four years back, Ramesh Kumar met with a terrible motorcycle accident in which he lost his right leg. The memories of the fateful day still haunt him day and night. He curses himself for his fate and wishes he would be dead.
Above are only a few incidences of people whose past traumatic memories of life still haunt them and affect their present life drastically. It is as if, their painful past has been ruling their present life. But, is this the right kind of life these people have been living? Is it worth living for the sake of living or living happily. Do we have the right to spoil our own lives knowingly? It is these questions ’people’ who have been living like the above cases should ask themselves and then try to bring color to their life. Found below are the reasons why and how we are responsible ourselves for bringing distress into our happy lives. Whenever a human being experiences a traumatic, painful incident in his life, after expressing his negative feelings (like anger, depression, guilt, grief etc.) to the situation for some days (depending on the severity of the situation) he would either brood or try to forget the event.