Signs and Symptoms of Blindness
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Redness, watering, discharge, stickiness of lids, irritation.
Headache, Blood/cloudy vision, pain in eyes, frequent change of glasses, colored haloes around light, Painless gradual loss of field vision.
Corneal Ulcer
Pain, watering, foreign body sensation, discharge, lid edema, dimness of vision, redness.
Redness, discomfort of eyes, dimness of vision, pain in eyes.
dimness of vision.
Refractive Errors
dimness of vision, difficulty in reading, headache.
Watering of eyes, itching, discharge, redness, photophobia.
dimness of vision/retinal changes, sudden loss of vision.
dimness of vision, diplopia, deviation of eyes, eye strain.
Night Blindness
Night Blindness, Bitot spots, dry conjunctivia, corneal ulcer.
Corneal Opacity
Loss of vision, white scar on cornea.
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