Causative Agent of Chikungunya Fever
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Chikungunya Fever virus belongs to family Togaviridae, genus Alpha virus and subgroup semliki forest venezuelan (SFV) equine encephalitis.
Prevent Transmission of Chikungunya Fever
No vaccine is available for prevention of Chikungunya Fever. So measures for prevention and control are the avoidance of mosquito bites and reduction in density of vector.
The treatment of patient is symptomatic particularly by anti inflammatory drugs. The steroids are not to be used in treatment.
Investigation of an Outbreak of Chikungunya Fever
The investigation of an outbreak of Chikungunya Fever is similar to the investigation of other epidemic prone diseases. The first principal is to receive early signals, confirm diagnosis & to take prompt measures for control of the outbreak. Control measures are most effective when selective measures are applied early.
Line list of cases, including age, sex & address and other details should be maintained and reported to District Health Authority and above. Active search should be made for more cases. Serum samples should be collected for laboratory confirmation of disease.
Vector Surveillance should be immediately initiated and should include collection of adult mosquitoes, identification of mosquito species and density, assessment of susceptibility of vectors to available insecticides.
Arrange Health Educational activities in the community regarding prevention of mosquito bites by use of mosquito nets and mosquito repellent creams & mosquito breeding places, by drying out water containers at least once a week, treatment of abate once in a week in the water container, fogging of pyrathrum extract inside the houses, wearing of protective clothing & reporting suspected cases at the Health facilities early.
On confirmation of an outbreak of Chikungunya Fever, take precautionary measures in other neighboring high risk areas.
Chikungunya Fever
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