Vector Bionomics
Vectors of Malaria
- There are many vectors of malaria
- Anopheles culicifacies is the main vector of malaria
1. Feeding habits
- It is a zoophilic species
- When high densities build up relatively large numbers feed on men
- Rests during daytime in human dwellings and cattlesheds.
- Breeds in rainwater pools and puddles, borrowpits, river bed pools, irrigation channels, seepages, rice fields, wells, pond margins, sluggish streams with sandy margins.
- Extensive breeding is generally encountered following monsoon rains.
- Biting time of each vector species is determined by its generic character,but can be readily influenced by environmental conditions.
Life Cycle of Malaria Parasite
- Sporozoites in salivary gland.
- Oöcysts in stomach wall.
- Male and female gametocytes.
- Liver phase.
- Release of merozoites from liver.
- These enter red cells where both sexual and asexual cycles continue.