Stretching Desk Exercises

Stretching Exercises Stand up facing the wall and reach your fingers up as far as you can. While you stretch up, also stretch down by placing your feet firmly on the floor. Firm up your legs, extend the side of the torso and bring your shoulder blades towards the wall. Breathe fully as you stretch, walking your fingers up the wall. Move a little away from the wall so that your torso is diagonal to your hips and press both palms onto the wall equally. Press into the ground with your feet, firm up your legs and release your tailbone away from the wall. Lift up your ribs and let your head drop slightly. You can also do this with the back of a chair. Place your hands on the chair and walk back until your torso is extended to be parallel with the floor. Firm up your legs, lift up your abdominal muscles and lift your ribs while releasing your spine.
2. Forearm And Wrist
Place your right palm to the wall, spreading your fingers equally. Extend your elbow and press your palm fully onto the wall. Wait a few breaths and then turn your head to the left, bringing the tip of your right shoulder blade in towards the front of your body. Hold and breathe.
3. Extended Full Body Stretch
Take your arms out to your sides with your palms facing down. Extend your fingers and stretch through your elbows. Rotate your shoulders back and bring your palms facing up on exhalation. On your next exhale bring your arms up overhead with your palms facing each other. Again, press your feet into the floor and firm up your legs, stretching your side torso. After a few breaths, interlock your fingers and press your palms up to the ceiling, stretching your fingers and keeping your palms open. Hold this stretch and then, on an exhale, curve to the side. Repeat on the other side.
This can also be done seated at your desk. If you are seated, make sure to press your thigh bones deeply into your chair even as you stretch up.
4. Sitting Posture
Practice sitting with an upright torso, the sides of your torso extending and your head resting comfortably on your neck. Bring your hands down to the seat of your chair and roll your shoulders back, bringing the shoulder blades into your back.
5. Opening Your Chest
Interlock your fingers behind your back with your palms facing your torso. Roll your shoulders back, but keep your ribs from poking forward. Stretch your elbows and arms on the exhale and hold it for a few breaths. On the exhale, bend your elbows and bring your wrists to the right side of your waist, gently pressing the right elbow towards the left. Release and do it the other side, then repeat yet again with your fingers interlocked with the opposite thumb on top.
6. Opening The Back
Hug your body, placing your right hand on your left shoulder and left hand on your right shoulder. Breathe into the area between your shoulder blades. On the exhale, bring your lower arms to a perpendicular position to the floor, with the palms facing each other. Stretch your fingers up, and on the next exhale, raise your elbows up to your shoulder height. Hold for a few breaths and then repeat on the other side.
7. Releasing The Neck
Shrug your shoulders high up to your ears and then release and drop. Repeat at least three times.
8. Releasing The Side Of The Neck
Sit forward on the seat of your chair with your feet planted firmly on the floor. With your right hand, reach back to the back of your seat or the rear of the seat itself. Extend your torso and drop the chin into your chest. Pull diagonally to the left and place your left hand on the right side of your head, gently pulling the head away from the right shoulder. Hold and breathe, stretching from the base of your skull to your shoulder. Repeat to the other side.
9. Twisting The Torso
With the feet planted firmly in the ground, and the thigh bones pressing into your chair, exhale and lift and turn your belly to the right. Let your hands help you turn by pressing into the seat or the back of your chair. Gradually increase the twist and let your eyes turn to the right around your shoulder. Repeat to the other side. Remember to keep breathing slowly and deeply as you twist.
10. Stretching Forearms
Bring your palms together in front of your chest in a prayer–like position stretching all your fingers fully. Relax your shoulders. Slowly, stretch the heel of your palms down until they are at the level of your wrists. If you can do this stretch without discomfort, you can increase your stretch by moving your hands over to the right and holding for a few breaths. Repeat to the left. Stretch slowly and carefully, observing the sensations of your forearm and wrist.
11. Stretching The Wrist
Make fists of your hands and place them, thumb up, on the desk top. Support your lower arm on the desk. Slowly, stretch the fist to the right, without moving your lower arm, and then to the left. Lift your arms off the desk top and make slow circles with your wrist, keeping your hands in closed fists. Circle in both directions.
Release your fingers and place them, tips up, on the edge of your desk. Press into the desk with your fingers. Try this first with your fingers together and then spread them apart.
12. Stretching The Fingers
Place your index finger on the edge of your desk, keeping your wrists straight. Gently, push into the desk and hold for a few breaths. Repeat with all your fingers except your thumb.
13. Stretching The Thumb
Place your right palm on the desk top with your wrist straight. Relax all your fingers. With your left hand, slowly, stretch the right thumb away from your forefinger. Hold for a few breaths and then release, and do the same to the other hand.
14. Shaking Out Tension
Shake out your wrists and arms, letting them dangle from your shoulders. Rotate your shoulders forwards and back.
15. Relax The Eyes And Breathe
Turn your head right and left, looking into the far distance. Close your eyes and take some deep, slow breaths.