Despite these differences the World Health Assembly in 1977 declared that all citizens of the world should attain a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life. This culminated in the international objective of HEALTH FOR ALL by the year 2000 as the social goal of all governments. Health for all means that health is to be brought within the reach of every one in a given community. It implies the removal of obstacles to health–that is to say, the elimination of malnutrition, ignorance, disease, contaminated water supply, unhygienic housing etc. It depends on continued progress in medicine and public health.

Kerala and primary health care
Kerala is a state worth mentioning as it has achieved landmark Kerala milestones in achieving an almost 100% literacy. In addition it has one of the lowest infant mortality rate, a higher life expectancy and a lower death rate. On the other hand if one looks at population statistics, Kerala has a high population density (total population around 30 million) and a lower per capita income than the national average. In addition Kerala has a higher doctor: population ratio. The noteworthy factor is that literacy is a very important determinant of health.
Comparison of Kerala and All India Health Statistics
Ratio | Kerala | All–India |
Death rate (1993) | 6.0 | 9.2 |
Infant mortality rate (1993) | 13 | 74 |
Life expectancy at birth (1993) | 66.5 | 61.5 |
Literacy rate (%) (1991) | 90.59 | 52.11 |
Per capita income (1989–90) | INR 3389 | INR 5670 |
Doctor Population ratio (1991) | 1:7213 | 1:2148 |