The main objectives of the trust are
- To raise a shelter for children coming to the city for education and help their families: These children stay in the city on footpaths and are many times here to undergo lot of difficulties. Many a times they are misguided and misused.
- To construct and run an Old Age home specifically for the middle class: This was to be run as a No Profit– No Gain basis and to be made self financing so that gathering of donations could be restricted to rising of the fund for infrastructure only.
- The home is built on 2.5 acre plot purchased from the government and has now many trees and garden developed with pavements etc.
- It has a total capacity of 76 people–2 in each room in 38 rooms.
- Each room is 200 sq ft with attached bathroom and a verandah. It is self contained with hot water provided by Solar Water Heaters.
- The rooms are equipped with cots, mattresses, bed sheets, pillow, mosquito nets, cupboard with safety lockers, chairs, tables and stands for drying clothes.
- A big Community Hall, equipped with library, television, newspapers, exercise equipment and sufficient space for community programs is also used to arrange Cancer camps and Eye Check–up camps.
- The Home also has a Meditation Hall utilized to enjoy peace along with evening prayers, bhajans or simply meditations.
- In case of emergencies, transport is provided to the residents who need to go to the hospitals.
- Medical tests are arranged in the home with doctors visiting 3 times a week at absolutely moderate charges.
- The home also has an internal magazine published quarterly. This magazine is written and drafted by the residents of the home.This is the best past time for the residents apart from gardening and evening strolls.
- The Old Age Home provides:
- Morning Tea: 6:00 a.m.
- Breakfast: 8:30 a.m.
- Lunch: 12:30 a.m.
- Afternoon Tea: 4:00 a.m.
- Dinner: 8:00 a.m.

Also on the upper floors of the building, the residents plan to start up a ‘Working women hostel’ at subsidized rates, which would also add up in the little earning of the home. But the plan still lies in nutshell !
A shelter were also to be built so that students from other places can be provided place to stay, bathing facility, breakfast and safety of the amounts they earn so that their earnings could be remitted to their families regularly. Facilities for night schools were to be made available and all these were to be provided by charging them very moderate charges and subsidized from donations.

Survey no. 15/2. A/1 Chandannagar,
Kharadi, Pune 411014, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: +91 20 27012464
For Details
Contact: Mr. P. N. Gole (Chairman & Managing Trustee)
4–A Woodland Society,
Shivaji Nagar,
Pune 411005, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone: +91 20 25511869