Why to Exercise?
If you exercise, you will have a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. Exercise will also give you improved vigor and a well toned body. It will make you feel happier and more active. Exercise also promotes the intake and distribution of oxygen in your body, making you essentially healthy. Aerobic exercises stimulate your circulatory and respiratory system. When you exercise in the morning, you stimulate your metabolism and keep on burning fat even when you are not working out. When you exercise in the morning it also gives you the ability to handle stress better.
When exercising, one loses a lot of water from the body. A tennis player may lose up to 3 liters in an hour. This can make us dehydrated and cause muscle cramping and a loss in stamina. It is hence advisable to drink a cup of water before the start of the game or workout, fifteen minutes into the workout and about five minutes after the workout.
Exercise can help reduce your blood pressure. A normal teen’s blood pressure is 110 millimeters of mercury over 70 millimeters of mercury. A teenager who exercises can lower high blood pressure easily. An active person’s heart pumps 25% more oxygen compared to a normal person’s. Exercise can work for you , but it can also work against you. Before starting any exercise routine, always consult a doctor. When starting for the first time or when resuming after a long time, always begin with a mild workout and gradually increase its intensity.
Studies show that regular exercise improves
- Sleep.
- Skin.
- Joints.
- Muscle strength and endurance.
- Endorphin production (reduces stress).
- Insulin production (helps in prevention of diabetes).
- Level of oxygen supplied to the brain.
- Exercise done 4 to 5 times a week.
- Exercise at a level that produces sweat.
- Exercise that lasts for about 30 to 45 minutes, moderation is the key.
- Exercise that is accompanied by regular meals and a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables.
- Exercise that is done in a happy positive mood. If you hate exercising, then you will not benefit from it.
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Get physical
The onset of adolescence is usually followed by preoccupation with new interests. And the changes in the body can be a trying time for the adolescent. As a result, a number of teens tend to ignore their physical well–being. In fact, one must continue to be as active as before. It is not only important to regulate one’s diet, but also continue with all the physical activities as before. Activities such as outdoor sports are not only a good form of exercise, but also a chance to keep oneself fit both mentally and physically. Moreover, they are an excellent opportunity to meet like–minded people.